Very Good Article

I’m not sure how old this is, but I found it recently and I think it is a good article with videos for hip ROM and proper function. Check it out!

Good article

Since in the first part he is talking about increasing ROM at the hips and he says that ART is the best way to do It.

I agree that stretching alone, PNF include have their own limits and won’t break down scar tissues.

I have seen tons of article and post that says that this technique is the best to break down scars etc.

How to do this? Seriously? Transverse massage + stretching?

P.S - I get very good results when I do therapy myself, In fact I usually get better results than with therapist. Also there is no ART therapist around.


Bump #2

best method? maybe graston or art like you said. if you’re trying to address scar tissue yourself, try firm transverse friction massage. if you can’t reach the area easily, it’s going to be tough to do it on yourself.
btw, where is art mentioned in the first article?

Really helpfull, I did learn a new method “Graston”.

It seem very soft…in my experience soft technique require more time

In the vast majority of trouble spots I use aggressive Trigger Point Therapy. It seems to work well and quite fast (less than 10s in most cases). I do know that It do nothing for scars.

Contrary to MicroStretching, PNF and AIS claims, I find those methods almost useless until muscle knot/Trigger are released.

Graston is certainly not “soft” as the motions, while light, are implementing tools that can be extremely precise and do plenty of the work (get some graston work first hand to understand). Going “hard” on things like that is a good way to get some significant bruising and probably more harm than good. Not sure more aggressive is always better. I was told that one coach accidentally bruised their athlete badly enough with deep therapy that it cost them a portion of their season.

Well, I mean hard, without loosing any common sense…The first motto of therapy should be “Primum non nocere” I agree with you that too much intensity can lead to bruise etc.

There is also a degree of softness where I can work all day and get nothing out of It, hey I am for efficiency too.

Like everything in life “The middle Way” should be the best way to go. In my opinion, this middle way is as hard as It can be(still reasonably)while you can still relax and let the therapy work. For some, It would be very mid. I honestly don’t understand those Foam Roller guys, might be good for Flushing massage, not deep work. I use parallel bar for trigger and PVC pipe for SMR. Flushing massage, I do myself after shower.

And of course you won’t sprint hard the day after such deep therapy. Use It once a week.

Hope my philosophy is more clear now

gastron is not soft at all. one of my friends tried it once and told me it was hard as hell!

even art it’s very hard, but both can be done in a ligther way, above all if it has to be done near a competition.

for the foam roller i agree with adonail. i don’t like the soft rollers, they are not do a proper work on the fascia/muscle, i prefer the mobilizer o something harder like the stick