Vertical integration volumes.

Just wondering if anyone knows the weekly volume of each of the components on the VI chart? As it currently stands only the peak volumes are listed every few weeks and you can clearly tell they go down over certain weeks. Still, it’s tough to get a grasp for just how much they go down from week to week or over a number of weeks.

It would seems important to know this in terms of volume/percentage changes in order to plan for a very similar progression particularly as the various components relate to each other to achieve the overall effect.

I suspect this is more of an individualised issue. The graph you are referring to probably intends to demonstrate the general trend of each component and more importantly their in-between relationship, rather than prescribe specific volumes as such.

Even so, for that specific example if it, perhaps, represents differing volumes based upon individual needs I think it would be helpful to know what those numbers are. I believe this would be useful(at least for me) to see how the various components are connected together to construct the entire program. Not just the components presence but their volumes being used for the overall training effect.

Though it might simply represent a trend, upper limits are specified so I think it would help to know what the lower numbers are along with the volumes on the way to those (and including) lowest volumes.

I’m not looking to use the specific volumes indicated but just to see the actual component-volume relationships throughout the phase.

I understand what you are looking for and I expressed my opinion. If there is a specific answer to this, only Charlie will be able to help you.

I don’t doubt that and I can appreciate your opinion on the matter.

I was only trying to make clear why I was looking for actual numbers for the VI model given.

I thought that perhaps someone had asked this before and I simply could not find the answer with the search function. Otherwise, I would have directed my inquiry to Charlie, himself, when making the original post to start the thread.

Sorry, I was not offended by your post or anything! I simply couldn’t help you with that. And thanks for your words! :slight_smile: