Variation in GPP Weights

Has anyone intergrated eccentric, concentric and isometric variations into their weights program? I’m interested in hearing about your thoughts and experiences regarding such approaches.

I’m going to start my GPP phase soon, and was going to use a similar weights program described in the GPP. I’ve also just read CT’s power and strength training manual, and thought it might be benefical to try a variation from Concentric only style weights.

Hoping to get some feedback on approaches others have taken, or just your thoughts, incl. if you think this might be a waste of time.

Well CF’s program is not just concentric style as there must be an eccentric in the first place (lowering of the weight) for most lifts. CT’s training incorporated some accentuated (I believe that is the term) eccentrics and heavy eccentrics with weight releasers, which are simply focusing on a different portion of the lift.

I think it can definitely work with the right planning and you can look at utfootball4’s journal in the Member’s Journal section as an example of how somebody modified the GPP weights to fit their needs (and abilities). Only thing that might be a problem is if you are not careful and you have too much for you to handle.

Very well put above. After years of trying different things I am now of the belief that you can get very good doing some pretty simple things. If you do everything in Charlie’s programmes you cover every part of your preparation. Alternativly you could rearrange everything in Charlie’s programme and use different exercises but probably arrive at a similar result. If you need more hypertrophy then there are things you can juggle, perhaps you need a little less tempo and less Speed Endurance. But until you really are awsome (and hence making enough money to pay someone else to do the thinking for you) you can’t go too far wrong with what has already been discussed.

Thanks for the replies.
I think I might stick to the well known path. Reading CT’s stuff was interesting, but I’m nowhere near a plateu in my training. Possibly something to consider later on. It is always tempting when reading new material to get drawn into new ideas without first mastering the basics.

Absolutely true, I am guilty of it every day.

ur making the right choice bc ct stuff is kinda hardcore and easy to overtrain on if you not familar with his style of training.