TWhite03 Training Log

Not too much, I’m in the middle of training right now and things are going great. Kaz is REALLY good.

what are you guys doing, u can send to my box if you want.

Tuesday April 8th

Tested my power levels coming out of spring ball with a broad jump and a 5 bound test. I felt very damp and not very explosive.

Results (on grass):

BJ: 10’3’’
5 bound (double leg): around 55-56 ft. or so


Bench press: 250x13, 265x7, 275x5
DB bench: 70x15, 60x15
Chest supported row: 190x3x10
Rear delt fly
T bar row: 5 plates 3x10
Dips: 12, 12, 20

The earlier workout must have potentiated me a good bit because I jumped and touched 11’4’’ after the weights workout.

BW: 210 in shoes

Wednesday April 9th

AM Workout

Back Squat: 315x6, 335x6, 365x6, 385x6
1 1/4 Squat: 225x7
RDL: 225x3x8
Reverse Leg Press: 150x3x10

PM Workout

30m sprints w/ 1m run in (clock started upon first foot contact, wanted to gauge my speed in this test since a few sports use this method): 3.6, 3.57, took off my heavier cross trainers and ran barefoot on the carpet---- 3.47.

Leg curls 3x8, 2x12

Would like to get a time with some timing lights to be a little more accurate.

BW: 208 w/ shoes, before dinner

i didnt know bu had rev leg press. wish i had that lower body strength. :slight_smile:

Ya I really like the reverse leg press, I feel it primarily in the glutes. I thought you did have that kind of strength my friend? Those weights will be nothing for me in a few weeks…

Not sure where my strength is at this time since i have been in a maint phase for many months. Do your team use the rev leg press?

No, we use RDL’s, Hypers, Reverse Hypers, and glute hams as post. chain assistance.

im sure no colleges use the rev leg press.

I can see no reason why they wouldn’t incorporate it, but I would bet that you are right nonetheless.

its hard to use with a 100 football players.

I’ve done some sprints in there before buy not 30m! You must had gone somewhere else besides the weightroom. I bet you felt like you were flying when you ran that barefoot sprint.

I was at the Student Life Center where there is a 180 yard oval at the top. I felt good because all my steps were driving forward with no wasted motion opposed to my foot moving around quite a bit in the shoe.

I’ve been at that Student Life Center before, its a great place. Do they have squat racks there?

Ya, everything you need expect for maybe bumper plates.

Do you guys drop the weight btw each clean or snatch rep?

Ya, however we have been working primarily off blocks or from the hang so this hasn’t come into play.

if you wasnt able to drop the weights would you still power clean or snatch?

I would imagine that it could become an issue when the weights started to approach maximal levels. The risk reward may become too great, not to mention that it would be a hassle. On a related note, some suggest that weightlifters were more muscular before the advent of bumper plates due to the fact that they had to lower the weights rather than drop them.

Yeh, i saw that somewhere also but dont remember, they had better bodies bc of the ecc lowering. If i couldnt drop the weights i probably wouldnt do ol or stay with the hang or pulls.