
You went way way back for this one man

I did this:
you can do it with the www in front to get slightly different results btw.

to get to this:

those high speed treadmills are really popular in the area im from. high school and college athletes from all over come to use them.

i guess you can say im pretty content in letting the athletes from other schools use them because charlie and others have spoken against them many times.

I don’t know if i would call them useless, but i certainly wouldn’t use them on any athletes

I saw that one couples of times already, the fact is that this program is for mid 10 runners, not a formula

You’re right but I’ve never seen a CF formula for treadmill tempo so let’s figure it out together. Perhaps start at 7 MPH for some and 6 MPH for others and work up.

I’ve never done tempo (or anything) on a treadmill myself OR have others do it but it is still another tool in the toolbox.

Anyone else see one?

Remember when CF (04 Van. Seminar?) said someone who had just bought an expensive treadmill machine asked him what should they do with it (from another seminar) and
CF said…Unplug it!

That was pretty funny.

I’ve been using a treadmill this season. I use it for no longer than 15mins at a time, usually with 300m runs and 100m walks. I find it useful as a quick warm up before weights, a tempo substitute for wet days (or if I just can’t get shore leave to train on a track), and for recovery sessions to loosen up before or after hard training.

what I like is that the results are safe, consistent and predictable. there’s no guess work. I know exactly how I will feel when I step off. in terms of disengaging the hamstrings or changing my running mechanics, I just don’t think I use it long enough to have any lasting effect (at my standard, anyway). I don’t see how a 15min session is going to be able to cancel out hours of training. if I want to have my hamstrings engaged there are a stack of other things you can do that are much more influential on that, I feel. I think sitting in the car to and from work is more detrimental to my running technique that a brief trot on a treadmill.

I suppose if I were a more finely tuned high performance vehicle I would be giving a higher priority to finding other ways of achieving the same effect, but I’m just a working dad weekend hobby schmo athlete, so I’ll take what I can get…

massively old thread lol

I think the hamstring activation or lack of is a good thing

Speed work is very posterior taxing, so having an excersie that will still work the cardio / flushing systems without to much engagment but still taking through good range of motion has to be a winner, further as rehab from hamstring injury being able to do a specific cardio such as a version of tempo has to also be good.

I have been personally rehabbing this way for the past 2 weeks, as its too soon to hit the track with full hamstring activation but i need the threshold work.

I also agree the few min of this work is not going to affect my sprint form negatively comparred to the hours and hours of track work or even gym etc

Quick tip: if it’s hamstring activation you crave, try sprinting on a trampette…

Very good point, I think maxV session take care of all the hamstrings activation