treadmill or road

although this is not about sprinters, it’s worth keeping in mind, as pace is slow anyway:

14 healthy male sports students
inclinations tested: 0%, 2%, 4% and 6%

Resutls: the values from the artificial surface track and cinder track lie between the treadmill values at 0% and 2% inclination. Running on grass corresponds to an inclination of approximately 2% on the treadmill

From lab testing -on endurance runners- i’ve found that 1% inclination is ok for transferring pace to the track; 2% might be ok for “smooth” grass

again, better safe than sorry; under- before over-load your self…

hope it helps for some treadmill work, if needed!

I’m gonna try and revive this thread mainly because on my tempo days I can’t get to the track and do tempo, however I can get into the gym and use the treadmill.

Charlie, as you said 85 contacts at max speed on the treadmill should be good (for 100mts) , with some incline, how many would you consider for 200 mts (170 contacts?) and the rest between should stay at about 20seconds… bear in mind the treadmill at the gym tops out at 15 km/hr which I don’t know how many miles that is.

Hope to hear from all of you again



At 15km.h-1 a 25 sec duration segment will give you a distance of around 100 m -actually a bit longer than that (i.e., 104 m).

Hope this helps!

PS look at the above post for inclinations, if you wish to use one.