Training is overrated :)

if I’ve time, I’ll try to post a 4 weeks body systems adaptation (CNS/ANS/Neurohormonal/Resp/Cardiac/Baroreflex/Recovery Capacity/Functional Reserve Level) of an elite soccer player during the off season preparation phase (2 workout/day)

In my opinion we can speak about a general adaptation phase or dynamics of a body system to a specific stimulus, but this is useful for an Accademic discussion. In my practical experience you can have:
a different response to the same stimulus for two different athletes;
and different response to the same stimulus for the same athlete during the season.

I’m not a big fan of too much test during the week or the day, I’m not for everyday monitoring, MilanLab experience go toward this way too.
For single athlete 1 day of tests for week (sometime 2) can be useful, for a team every 2 weeks. Then some test can be done much often of others.

PS: I’ve seen CNS fast recovery after only a good night of sleep…

Done :slight_smile:

I’ve posted these dates:

n°1 = 12-lug-10
n°2 = 19-lug-10
n°3 = 27-lug-10
n°4 = 12-ago-10
n°5 = 24-ago-10

please ask for any clarifications…

thanks a lot for you graphs. A few questions:

  • are we talking about Serie A?
  • what was the proximate cause of the positive adaptation and higher receovery state of week 3? Was load decreased?
  • Was the “peak” on purpose? What was the specific reason for having such a strong recovery in the middle of the off-season? International matches?
  • Is Heart Rate Oscillation HRV? In case the answer of yes, why it decreased when recovery was highest? Is it not the other way around?
  1. Yes.

  2. It’s an hyperadaptation level, not so positive, too much work. No load decresead, but (argh!) incresead (intensity)!
    You can see a fall in the body reserve and others parameter at the end.

  3. Recovery index is the natural capacity of the body to recover fast, you have a great functional reserve and a better recovery capacity.
    One point, adaptation to load on 3rd week (generally good adaptation level is between 15-30 on the graph).
    Sorry, I can’t speak about team games/programs.

  4. No, only a fluctuation of Heart Rate to rest, just an index.

In this scenario, you have a neurohormonal fluctuation probably because he has done too much workout.
At the and, a not so great CNS stress probably for psycologic reason (long time away from home).
Good ANS balance.
Normal lowering of functional reserve, resp and card indexes.
Normal fluctuation of recovery index.

This is a classic situation (can be better…for sure!), there are other Atheltes with bad physiological response or bad starting point.

I’ll try to post in this days.

Thanks Jarimok.
Was anything not discernible without using “machinery”?

without “machinery” you cannot have this infos.

Jamirok, this is very interesting. Have you found any particular recovery methods (massage, sauna etc) to significantly influence the data?

Manual techniques as osteophaty, chiro, massage, acupuncture (specially) and hydrotherapy (contrast sauna/shower) influence ANS (from simp -> toward vagus).
Magnetic field has interesing results on ANS/CNS/Hormonal and muscle tone (structural).
I’ve monitored Charlie’massage too…interesting result on hormonal response and ANS.

I’ve seen consistent changes with acupuncture, ARP, and contrast hydrotherapy.