Training formeets

I am starting to compete at local interclub level on the 25 October. That is likely level of most of my meets this year.

Currently my training sessions are based around 3 track sessions which are Tuesday (Speed End), Thursday (Tempo) and Saturday (Speed)

As Saturday is the competition day I will need to rearrange training.

Most of the programmes allows me between 1 and 11/2 hours between races. Is that too long between for special endurance reps or could I do a rep in between races.

IE 100m race 30 minutes rest; 120m 30 minutes rest; 200m race?

Would a weekly structure like this work. It is not ideal, but until I am allowed to use the weights up track.

Sunday - recovery session - tempo
Monday - Tempo
Tuesday - Track - speed
Wednesday - Weights
Thursday - Track - Tempo
Friday - Rest or pool (easy)
Saturday - Competition and Special Endurance

I would like to do another weights session, hopefully I can do that after Tuesday speed (and drop Wednesday for tempo) and Saturday comp - but unlikely.

Note I work full time 8 to 6ish and find it easier to do weights (non track days) in the morning.

Any thoughts