Cross country is a good off-season sport to participate, however, if he’s not intersted in XC then I would recomend something like this
1 long run (easy finish)
2 recovery run
3 Tempo run/Hills
4 Recovery run
5 Longer run (harder finish)
6 rest (short recovery run)
7 rest
This is what I would recomend if his primary event is the 800m. It will give him a very powerful aerobic base. A base that will benefit his in-season training tremendously. If he wants to do weights, then weight sessions on days 1 and 3 are an options, however, hill sessions on days 3-6 are perferred.
However if the 400m is his primary event his workouts should look something like this:
1 Intervals/Ladders (track work)
2 Recovery run
3 Tempo/Hills
4 Recovery run
5 Long run
6 Rest (short run)
7 rest
2-3 weeks before the season starts days 1, 3, and 5 should include some weight work. Basic squat/bench/powerclean lifts. Start light with high reps, in the 8-10 range, then move to heavier stuff in the 4-6 rep range.
With the times he’s got, it looks like he has a lot of growth to do in both events, and that he’s equally proficient in both. How old is he? What are some of his other PR’s? Would he rather run a 1500 or a 200?
*note: Tempo runs for distance guys is not the same as it is for you sprinters! I’m talking about 4 miles at a steady fast pace. This is a HARD workout.