December 14th, 2009
Lower Body Focus
I suspect my body doesn’t like me for a number of reasons right now, not least of which is my inability to get to bed before 2 AM. Still, I feel great.
Warm Up:
Some RW Drills
Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)
LOTS of plyos
Medball Tosses for Height
4 sets x 5 reps @ 23 lbs, 180 sec. rest
Back Squats (close stance, full ROM, start a new set every 3 minutes)
4 sets x (4, 4, 3, 2) reps @ 365 lbs, ~150 sec. rest
SL RDLs (slow, focusing on stretch)
2 sets x 10 reps @ 95 lbs, 120 sec. rest
Ab Rollouts, Levers, Etc.
Some x A lot
Cool Down:
Some more activation drills
Mild plyos
Ugh. My strength levels are climbing (1 more total rep on squats), but they’re doing it slowly now that I’m reintroducing a lot of plyo volume. It’s kind of frustrating not to be able to add 2+ reps per session, but it’s inevitable that gains slow as non-weight-training volume goes up.
Still, to liven things up a bit, I think I’ll start doing density work on the squats. Next session will be something like 10 x 2 with 3 minutes rest between sets, then the next session I’ll do 2:30, and then 2:00, and so on until I either get to 1 minute rests or get bored, whichever comes first.
Again, SL RDLs are killer. These wreck me worse than squats.