Tight hips, help!

I have pain in what seems to be my IT bands themselves. Not at the knee, but in the actual region of the hip where the IT band is.

My left side is tighter than the other. By tight I mean I have limited groin flexibility, i.e. abduction. Also if I don’t stretch the IT band it can feel sore pretty easily.

My hips also pop a good bit.

What is a good course of action to take?

At present I do mobility drills involving the IT band, use some generic static stretching postworkout, and microstretch in the evenings.

My training involves 2 speed sessions a week TR, Tempo WFSa, weights TRSa.

I’m currently in a GPP phase and would love to get this cleared up once and for all.

Thank you all for your time,

Can you explain this popping a bit more, is there any pain, does it happen often?

Happens hours after workouts, generally of the speed variety. It’ll be ever so slightly painful up until the pop, for example it will feel tight and I will abduct, and it will feel tight and cramped until the pop, where it will feel like a release and will allow me to abduct further.

Here are a couple of websites that I found helpful.

My hips pop! only at a certain point in my range and only when I’m laying down, phsio said it is just a tendon that flips over and lenghens.

my ROM kind of sucks and I also have a wee bit of pain towards the end of it so I’m looking for total elimination of the pop. Thank you AKM100M for looking that up for me I really appreciate it.

Based on what I’ve read now, I guess that kills hills for a week or two, looks like me and my hips are hittin’ the pool!

try the stretch band dynamic stretching routine on jumpstretch.com. My hips were doin the same things until I started doing the routine that’s outlined. You’ll have to buy an average band but it is well worth it!!!