Move the Bench Press Either after you Cleans before you Clean Pulls.
Or after the Clean Pulls before the Squats.
I’d add in some some sort of Pulling exercise (put it in between the opposite of what you decide to do with the placement of the bench press, i.e. Bench after the Cleans, Then Rowing after the Clean Pulls & before the Squats), be it Lat Pull-downs, Chin/Pull Ups, Seated Rows, Barbell Rows, etc. 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps should be suffice for some hypertrophy
What would the other workouts look like during the week? It would be easier to determine if something should be done differently if it was known what else is going on with regards to weights within the program.
Are you using a contrast method (alternating high force/low velocity) set for set, or doing all sets of one exercise before moving to the next exercise?
wed would be squats, cleans/hang cleans (sometimes), bench, one tricep exercise + DB laterals or upright rows
fri would have some form of deadlifts or cleans, box squats/dynamic box squats, military press or bench (close grip), hip thrusts, lat pull downs + curls