thigh pull

gf_200 do you mean DMSO? If so why is it controversial?

I must check the posts again but is it not used more as a ‘warm-up’ rather than an inti-inflamatory?

VG - get the injury assessed before worrying too much about injections, ice works wonders for light strains and swellings.

Yes, thank you. I will keep you updated on this thread about my injury

Maybe I’m misunderstanding the quote, but,
I’m located in Norway, Europe. So I can’t get anything else but injection, maybe I should ask my therapist about this when/if I see him. Depends on how serious it actually is.


You misunderstood! Traumeel is available in pill, ointment & injectable form in Europe. Injectable form is the most effective, but the ointment can be quite good.

Whats ointment GF ?
Do you know where I can order these products?
Do you know if they can be used together with training?

Traumeel is used for the relief of minor aches and pains associated with sports injuries, repetitive use injuries, sprains, backaches, muscle aches, and bruises in addition to minor arthritis pain and muscle inflammation. It is available in ointment, gel, liquid, oral vials, or tablet form as well as in a prescription injectable. With no adverse side effects, Traumeel is a safe, versatile medication for all ages.

About Traumeel
Physicians have been recommending Traumeel for over 30 years as a safe, effective and prescription-free alternative to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Originally developed by renowned German physician/researcher Dr. H. H. Reckeweg, this natural medicine is among the most popular homeopathic formulas in Europe today.

Traumeel is made up of a combination of 12 botanical substances and 2 mineral substances. Backed by over two dozen scientific and clinical studies, Traumeel has become—to millions of people worldwide—a trusted therapy for musculo-skeletal aches and pains and an essential addition to at-home healthcare.

How effective is Traumeel?
Backed by 30 years of worldwide use, Traumeel has proven effective in many clinical studies. The exact mechanism of action, though, is not fully understood. Various cellular and biochemical pathways appear to be modulated by Traumeel’s ingredients—natural ingredients commonly used to alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions.

How long will it take until I see improvement?
Many individuals will see therapeutic improvement within 24 hours to 1 week. The rate depends on a number of factors including the type and amount of dosage, the condition it is treating, and the age and health of the patient.

How often can I use Traumeel?
Traumeel is safe to administer as necessary. We recommend you follow the suggested dosage instructed on the packaging and ask your health practitioner. Please note, the liquid oral drops do contain alcohol and may not be appropriate for children or pregnant/ nursing mothers and therefore a physican should be consulted before use.

Can I take other medications while using Traumeel?
Yes. There have been no known indications of drugs interactions.

Email the company, they should be able to inform you of suppliers in your area (Pharmacists, Health Shops, Alternative medicine Stores often stock it)

btw Ointment = Cream


I didn’t mean to be so alarmist! DMSO (not to be confused with DOMS or DMOS!!) can be effectively used to treat certain injuries, however, there have been warnings against continuous or prolonged use of the chemical.

Thank you gf. I will try to buy some cream and pills, and test it out.

It won’t work miracles, mind! Integrate with other recovery modalities and make sure to see a therapist if you can.

Good Luck!

trameel didint do didly for me! but everyone reacts differently to homeopathic remedies.

What form did you take it in?

I found some information on DMSO. I have an interest in it since I use MSM, a closely related compound which shares some of its properties. This info is from Viable Herbal Solutions (

While DMSO has been called “the most controversial therapeutic advance of modern times,” the controversy seems to be bureaucratic and economic rather than scientific. Over the past forty years, more than 10,000 articles on the biologic implications of DMSO have appeared in the scientific literature and 30,000 articles on the chemistry of DMSO have also been published. The results of these studies strongly support the view that DMSO is a truly significant new therapeutic principle.

When organ systems are injured or deteriorate, the damaged tissue produces agents we call “free radicals.” These further harm cells and prevent or slow healing. DMSO is a potent scavenger of these radicals, maintaining the normal integrity of cells and tissues. Another important component of DMSO activity is its synergism with other therapeutic agents. For example, Charles Dake, D.V.M. (Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences, 1967, Vol. 141) found that cats with overwhelming viral infection treated with either DMSO alone or conventional therapy for viral infections all died. When DMSO was combined with standard antiviral treatment, the figures were reversed with the majority of the cats surviving.

At this time, DMSO is a respected, approved pharmaceutical agent in more than 125 countries. In 1970, the FDA approved DMSO for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in dogs and horses. Many veterinarians consider DMSO to be the most valuable therapeutic substance in their armamentarium. Additionally in 1978, it was approved by the FDA in humans for the therapy of Interstitial Cystitis (a painful disabling urinary bladder inflammation). In many ways, DMSO represents the “aspirin” of our era. If aspirin had been introduced in 1963 with its multiple properties, it might very well have been similarly restricted in the scope of its application.

DMSO became prescriptive for humans in the USSR in 1971. Since that time, it has been widely used in the USSR alone and in combinations. Currently DMSO is employed in the therapy of various musculo-skeletal problems in Russia. Dr. Balabanova of the Moscow Institute of Rheumatology estimates that about 50 percent of the Russian arthritic population receives DMSO as a part of their therapy. There are more than one hundred articles in the world’s literature relating to DMSO and arthritis. These include both clinical results and mechanism of action. Among the well-documented pharmacologic properties of DMSO include analgesia, anti-inflammation, softening of scar tissue, hydroxyl radical scavenging, vasodilation, and stimulation of healing.

An excellent controlled study was completed by the Japanese Rheumatism Association showing benefit in rheumatoid arthritis (Matsomoto - Annals of NY Academy of Sciences 1967, Vol. 141, Aritcle 1, 560-569). Twenty university centers were involved.

One of the most important questions about any medicinal therapy is safety. Except for nuisance side effects such as odor, the only well-documented, potentially serious side effect is the occasional patient who is allergic. A careful review of the published literature on DMSO show that there is not a single death which can definitely be attributed to this agent.

Conservatively, hundreds of millions of patients have been safely treated with DMSO worldwide. DMSO is a substance of extraordinary low toxicity.

In 1965, when the FDA halted evaluation of DMSO in the United States, they had data in their files on more than 100,000 patients submitted by approximately 1,500 physicians in our country showing safety and effectiveness. The pharmaceutical companies submitting the aforementioned data were Merck, Syntex, and Squibb. This occurred in 1965.

When we discuss DMSO, we are talking about an agent which not only relieves pain, but has multiple well-documented effects in a variety of illnesses. DMSO possesses lifesaving potential in stroke and head injuries (JC de la Torre - Annals of NY Academy of Sciences 1975, vol 243). In multiple lower animal studies, DMSO prevents indefinite paralysis following severe spinalcord contusions. Since 1965, about 300,000 people in this country have sustain spinal cord injuries. Many remain paralyzed. The early effective use of DMSO might have prevented theses tragedies. More recently, Karaca (European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1991, vol 40:113-114) & Kulai (Neurchirurgia 1990, Vol 33: 177-180) report on the value of intravenouse DMSo in the management of brain swelling and intracranial pressure in patients with the severe closed head injury. Currently, we are studying DMSO and fructose diphosphate in rodents for the therapy of Alzheimers’ Disease.

Today, DMSO is an effective treatment for many illnesses for which we have no other therapy. It is safer, less expensive, and at least as effective for a variety of problems for which we are presently using other, less effective, and more costly treatments. In 1972 the National Academy of Sciences evaluated the scientific data on DMSO and concluded it was a least as effective as currently approved treatments for three musculoskeletal inflammatory problems in man

I’ve ben using MSM too. I would reccomend it VG’s case - but I can’t really find clear proof that it would be a great advantage - even though alot of evidence suggests same.

How you doing today VG?

Whilst on MSM I have experienced varying degrees of alleviation from several conditions. Although I can’t be certain the MSM was responsible it seems very possible it had some influence.

5 years of SI joint pain before taking MSM for 2-3 months (2 years ago). The condition is 100% clear and has not returned.
Shin soreness alleviated form severe to moderate after a while on MSM, although since the soreness began shortly after starting sprinting and a few months before trying MSM, the results could be due to an adaption to shin stress.
Spots on my back also cleared up after a few weeks.
Have not taken MSM much in the last few months and the conditions have not returned or become worse.
My mums carpel tunnel syndrome (inflamm disease) has also alleviated to a degree were there is now only slight discomfort; before there was pain.

I’m better today. Going to apply ice a couple of times today too, and use compression between the icings. tomorrow i will start with easy biking or jogging, without pain. I can’t play the match though.
I hope i will be ready for the team practice on sunday. I have much experience with pulls in my thigh (not on the same place) .


can you post further information on MSN. Thanks.

gf_200 there have been many studies on DMSO but not on MSM, and since MSM has become a very popular supplement anyway there probably never will be many studies conducted.

I don’t have any details of the studies conducted but the following is information about Dr. S Jacobs MD and MSM. Dr. Stanley Jacobs seems to have more expertise on MSM than anyone else. He is also a Professor of Surgery and Director of the DMSO clinic.

MSM is a natural substance found in food and in the human body. Also, it is a metabolite of DMSO and believed to be one of the reasons that DMSO is such an effective pain remedy. MSM is a source of sulfur, a mineral element critical to the normal function and structure of the human body. Sulfur is a raw material for the protein and connective tissue (especially proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate) that make up our body mass, for enzymes that conduct countless chemical reactions, and for powerful natural compounds (such as glutathione) that protect us against toxicity and harmful free radicals. Chemically MSM consists of 2 hydrocarbon units attached to a unit with one sulfur and two oxygen atoms. It has a molecular weight of 94 and as such is a small molecule easily able to get into many compartments of the human body. In toxicity studies is has been found that MSM has extremely low toxicity comparing favorably to the toxicity of water. Dr. Stanley Jacobs, M.D. Director of the DMSO Clinic and Professor of Surgery at Oregon Health Sciences University, has conducted clinical studies on MSM and used it with his patients for over 20 years and has recently documented his findings in the book entitled “The Miracle of MSM”. In the book he lists MSM’s most significant actions to be: 1) It is an analgesic (pain controller), 2) It reduces inflammation, 3) It passes through cellular membranes of the body, including the skin, 4) It dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, 5) It blocks the action of cholinesterase, thereby helping to restore normal bowel activity, 6) It reduces muscle spasm, 7) It alters the crosslinking process in collagen, thus reducing scar tissue, 8) It has antiparasitic properties (particularly for giardia), and 9) It has an immune normalizing effect, as observed in some autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. Dr. Jacobs lists the following as the most frequent applications of MSM: 1) Degenerative wear-and-tear arthritis, 2) Rheumatoid arthritis, 3) Chronic back pain, 4) Chronic headaches, 5) Muscle pain, 6) Fibromyalgia, 7) Tendinitis and bursitis, 8) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 9) TMJ problems, 10) Post-traumatic pain and inflammation, and 11) Heartburn. Normal dosages for MSM range from 2 to 8 grams daily, but larger amounts may be needed in some situations. In some cases loosening of the stools may occur, which may be remedied by taking smaller amounts spread out over the day or by reducing the dosage.

Thanks Richard.

Do other forum members have any experience with the use of MSM? Is there any other studies out there supporting its use?