The truth about stretching

An MET variant. New? Old is the new new. Ooo Dara Torres does this, cha-ching $$$.

I thought it was ching-ching $$$ :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, is he re-defining eccentric contraction? Apparently, until now he was getting his biceps stronger exclusively via concentric contractions! :confused:

Would you have to warm up first for this or just have it done on cold muscles?

What’s jump stretch?

The most important thing I’ve noticed is that too much volume or an excessive intensity with weights could really compromize and reduce muscles mobility.
What do you think?

Elastic band ( for strength(?) and flexibility.

so how do you use these bands? just like an help for lengthen the muscle?

what about the eccentric quasi isometric?
seem an intresting method of work on flexibility.

doesn’t seem nothing new, except the meridian stuff.

After years of static stretching I switched to PNF and there is absolutely no comparison. PNF is far better for improving flexibility around the hip and resets muscle tone alot better. I never do static stretching any more.

Some muscles react better to static stretching, others to PNF, others to AIS, other have to worked only with manual therapy.
There isn’t only “one way”.

I agree 100% with this. With me my quads and calves react very well to static stretching. My hip flexors seem to get tighter if I statically stretch them and only respond to PNF. My hams only respond to massage.

With me my quads and calves react very well to static stretching.

Same experience here although I prefer using the vibration platform for the calves and hams. Quads definitely static.

What about a muscle percussor vs a platform? Same effect(?) and portable at a fraction of the cost.

I have a muscle percussor but I never used it for stretching. I doubt you would get the same effect as the vibration platform, though. It’s not the muscle vibration per se that stretch the muscle, but it’s the effect of the vibrations on the spindles while the muscle is stretched.

Technically “muscle percussor” is different from “electronic massage device”.
The first can give you interesting results during therapy, stretching and recovery.
I’ve released much scars and fibrotic tissue with stretching + vibration, or you can use it before manual work (like ART/STR/deep massage).
Nice device.

My mates train at this gym!

can you name some of the principal muscle groups and the better way to stretch them?

and wich is the best sequence to use it?

Generally calves, quads, and adductors work better with static stretching, hams, psoas, glutes with PNF/AIS, hip rotation with AIS or dynamic stretching.
But there isn’t a recipe valid for all!

and about upperbody?

Do you know any sequence of stretching that could potentially have some kind of therapeutic effect?