What are the best books that teach sprint technique and explain how to design sprint programs?
Check Bret Mcfarlene’s book which I believe is called “sprints and hurdles”. Jess Jarvers stuff is good too.
And I’m aware of Francis’ books. It’s just that none of them are available anywhere. Anybody know where I can find his books?
CFTS is available as an e-book on this site. Look for store or shop online above.
E-books suck though. I sure as hell don’t want to go blind trying to read the thing on the monitor, or have to print off a couple hundred pages.
you can enlarge the print, cant be too picky.
I don’t understand why Francis doesn’t get more copies of his book published. I read in an earlier thread that he was working on a new book(in 2003) and was supposedly going to get it published back then. What happened with that?
This is the thread: http://www.charliefrancis.com/community/showthread.php?t=735&highlight=book
Why don’t you buy the ebook and re-type it for him?
I don’t like them either, but they’re easier, cheaper and more convenient to produce than hard copies.
You can have a copy of the printed book for $200 plus postage and packaging. Let me know.
You can go to a print shop and have them print you up a copy for a lot less than you would pay for the book itself and the quality should be just fine.
All you have to do is access your e-mail account and thus the book download from the print shop and there it is ready to print.
So nobody knows anything about that supposed new book Francis was working on?
it may be at your local porn shop.
If that’s the cost for enlightenment ( ), and you don’t want to purchase it: tough.
What’s wrong with people these days?
No sympathy from me, friend.
Not asking for any, friend. I’m just curious why Francis doesn’t get more copies of his book published. Won’t any publishers agree to do it?
I, like many others in this field have had issues with sports publishers not paying up as they control distribution. IF I do in print again, I’ll self publish. Sadly, you represent the main reason why it’s tough to devote the time to writing more. You bitch about what’s there and demand something else. Of course, I have absolutely no reason to think that when something else is produced, you will, in fact, be a customer. Look around and educate yourself with whats here. If you don’t want to buy, read the forum. Your eyes probably wont fall out.
Haha, let me know too!
My Australian version isn’t for sale. Although it is getting a bit ratty…
The guy who sold it to you is a bit ratty too!