The Anti-Catabolic Cocktail (

Miser C,

remember what I posted a week ago…

" Priority 1.

Micellar casein and coconut milk (30 grams of protein with 4-6 oz of coconut milk)

Priority 2.
Micellar casein/imunogrow and coconut milk (30 grams of protein with 4-6 oz of coconut milk)

Priority 3

Micellar casein/imunogrow/HMB and coconut milk (30 grams of protein with 4-6 oz of coconut milk)

Priority 4

Micellar casein/imunogrow/HMB/glutamine and coconut milk (30 grams of protein with 4-6 oz of coconut milk)

don’t by the last version unless you have the cash and need…remember to add vanilla extract! the glutamine has bite!


Also this is key…take the formula you purchased be it just micellar protein and coconut milk and divide it into grams to get the cost per serving and compare it to any animal meat. Also look at the cost of calories! If you add the costs of bulk protein to your groceries then you are actually doing well money wise. For example We use 50% of our protein from customized formulas and find that we are not spending more money!

read the article…good points here.

The costs per serving of the micellar casein/immuno grow combo is the same of chicken per gram…not bad at all. You can use a shaker bottle and the taste is great without the glutamine peptides but the extracts are fine.

Haven’t been using long enough to tell you about results (although I will report fairly soon) but taste is very good, not as good as GROW! but better than Micellar Matrix (I used chocolate on all three products because I have coconut oil with it). It doesn’t mix as well as other protein powder products but the only reason I’ve noticed is beacuse I mix with a spoon and all it takes is a little bit more stirring. I’m sure a shaker would work.

So, the coconut oil is a good alternative to coconut milk in regards to taste as well, or not?

If you have a blender you can use oil…if you are on the road the milk is vital. A shaker bottle from is free if you buy a big batch of udos oil and other products that add up to 100 bucks. The taste is about the same since they are the same flavor just in different forms.

Some say they don’t mind it mixed in but I find that hard to understand. I take it by the spoon and just put it in my mouth and wash it down really quickly with cocktail so I don’t really taste it because I think it’s pretty nasty tasting. It’s nice when it’s summer because trying to swallow hot coconut oil is not fun.

Nasty? Only for those who eat it like you!

Clemson’s Thai Revenge

1 packet of curry sauce
2 cups of coconut milk
8 strips of chicken cut into chucks (Serves four)
2 red peppers
1 cup of snow peas

Warm coconut milk in a sauce pan with the curry sauce (powder) and stir fry the chicken in coconut oil and water. Then place chicken chunks into the curry sauce for 20 minutes…steam peppers and snow peas and place everything in one bowl and serve.

i just throw the oil in my mouth and swallow it down-relative to what some of us have ate in order to get better-it tastes great.
anybody remember the early 90’s (before whey protein powder was the thing)? and the best stuff was egg protein powder, and even BEEF protein powder-by far the worst tasting crap ever!
boy times have changed, for the better in this regard

the immunogrow is working…getting stonger, faster, leaner, and sleeping like a baby! The labrats are looking good (above with my avatar.) In fact I added a ton of low intensity work since our guys gained a lot of muscle…

I wish I could say the same! I have been taking 6 g of immuno gro a day for the last 3 weeks and haven’t noticed a thing.

Do you have a online trainig log here at What I can control is the advise on nutrition…not the training. I do every detail myself for workouts and attend the massages and chiro sessions as well. The nutrition must balance out the training…are you using a CFTS approach?

No I don’t maintain a log here. I was hoping the immuno gro would help with digestion and absorbtion of amino acids.

I used the cocktail a while ago and found no results. But when I changed my weight program I was getting uber ripped and strong. I then added back the the nutrition with my summer job money and things are even better. I must say that a good program only works if it is a good program. Pills and powders will help but if your plan is only ok then expect ok results.

my 2 cents

Goop point airbourne…what have you been doing with your training? If you are not getting good results u2u me and I will help you with a program…you are right with the limits of nutrition! Anyone with the faith of following my protocols to the point of making purchases, lifestyle changes, and other improvements will get my help. If you ordered the fish oil or cocktails and find that that is not doing it because your program stinks or not working I will help.

Thanks Clemson. I am in the middle of my summer basketball league so I have scaled down my training a bit. I am doing tempo runs 2x week and special endurance 1x a week along with 1 weight session where I cut the volume down to 3 sets of 3 reps with 75-85% max on squat, power clean and push press along with some seated rows, pull ups and 30 degree DB bench press. I also do 3x 10 box jumps with minimum knee bend to 32" box before the weights. I’m using contrast showers, ice, and foam roller massage for recovery. My league ends in August so I can probably test your formulas better then.
You are a great resource here on the forum!

thanks for the support…being single does help. As for the special endurance runs and most sports I don’t understand…time to set up a program…the added tempo could be a problem when you are doing games with hoops…charlie?

I only have one game a week and I really need work on my anaerobic endurance. What would you suggest?


You have one game a week and how many practices? Special Endurance is not a requirement for Basketball. It just isn’t needed at all not even a little bit whatsoever. Box jumps are not needed either. Why not do plyos on flat ground over 30 inch hurdles?

What type of endurance is required then? Basketball games consist of 45 seconds of activity and about 15 seconds of rest. There aren’t any practices during the week. I am doing box jumps because I am coming off 6 weeks of jump squats and depth jumps and I want to minimize the eccentric landing forces.

What would you suggest I do in increase my conditioning? Aerobic work and power are inversely related. How about doing a “game simulation” workout with full court dribbling drills, etc. I usually avoid pick up games because its hard to find a good game and get a decent workout.