The Anti-Catabolic Cocktail (

Remember Trench the purpose of the off season is to work what is hard to improve during the season…with all of the games in basketball maximal strength is hard to shift…why not work aerobic capacity and max strength. What are your goals (at WHAT TIME!!)

Mister C,
1.) I bought the version with glutamine
2.) By far the best tasting protein drink I’ve ever had!(9 out of 10)
3.) Mixability wise, I used water and put the coconut oil in with it and a little vanilla extract all into a blender, turned it on for like 3 seconds and itwas done. It could be easily done with a spoon Im sure.
4.) Just started using it today so I havnt got any benefits…at least not yet.

Hoped that gave a little insight.

Oh Clemson, do you know what the appropriate amont of the g/scoop in one serving? I didn’t get a scooper in the powder so I used an old scooper from ON’s 100% whey and its 29.4g of powder/serving. Is that about right?

Sounds good on the scoop since grams are grams but remember that the purpose of the formula is to prevent catabolism! One day of drinking ANYTHING will not create a beast. I mean it took a lot of gamma radiation to make a hulk! Their was no backing off of the formula to help it taste better but I am pleased you liked it. TRAIN HARD and the results will follow. Nutrition supports what you do in the gym and on the track.

Haha yeah I know what you mean, just makin sure. I will keep the hard work up, results will follow :slight_smile:

My coconut oil solidified in like 4 days… What the hell? I didnt store it in the fridge, it was in my pantry… Weird…

It solidifies at 72 or 73°F.

Somewhat pertinent:

Effect of supplementation with a cysteine donor on muscular performance.
Lands LC; Grey VL; Smountas AA
Journal of applied physiology [J Appl Physiol] 1999 Oct; 87 (4), pp. 1381-5.

Oxidative stress contributes to muscular fatigue. GSH is the major intracellular antioxidant, the biosynthesis of which is dependent on cysteine availability. We hypothesized that supplementation with a whey-based cysteine donor [Immunocal (HMS90)] designed to augment intracellular GSH would enhance performance. Twenty healthy young adults (10 men, 10 women) were studied presupplementation and 3 mo postsupplementation with either Immunocal (20 g/day) or casein placebo. Muscular performance was assessed by whole leg isokinetic cycle testing, measuring peak power and 30-s work capacity. Lymphocyte GSH was used as a marker of tissue GSH. There were no baseline differences (age, ht, wt, %ideal wt, peak power, 30-s work capacity). Follow-up data on 18 subjects (9 Immunocal, 9 placebo) were analyzed. Both peak power [13 +/- 3.5 (SE) %, P < 0.02] and 30-s work capacity (13 +/- 3.7%, P < 0.03) increased significantly in the Immunocal group, with no change (2 +/- 9.0 and 1 +/- 9.3%) in the placebo group. Lymphocyte GSH also increased significantly in the Immunocal group (35.5 +/- 11.04%, P < 0.02), with no change in the placebo group (-0.9 +/- 9.6%). This is the first study to demonstrate that prolonged supplementation with a product designed to augment antioxidant defenses resulted in improved volitional performance.

How is it maintained then at liquid state? Now I have to scoop it out and microwave it everytime I use it, haha.

We have our athletes simply use their blenders since we have no coconut milk available around these parts. Works just fine.

my oil has switched states from solid to liquid and back again a handful of times. i dont think that there is any problem. i wouldnt microwave it though-use a blender or a shaker

Or frying pan on the lowest heat possible if you want it in liquid form.

The flavor of Syntrax is so good I am trying ot get that taste in the Anti-catabolic cocktail. Still casein is the way to go during rest times and lauric acid is vital.

As for inflammation I am working on a bromelain/super anti-oxidant booster post workout.

my stuff just came in, heres how I did the break down.

60% Micellar Casein
10% L-Glut
5% Immunogrow
25% MPI

I know it’s better to have all Micellar Casein, but I saved a good chunk of money doing partially MPI. I am pretty low on money right now, but maybe next time I’ll get all MC. The taste would be great except its really chalky, maybe its the l-glut. I’ll keep you all posted on the results

remember the progression of micellar casein and coconut milk only as a start before adding the extras. Good nutrition with supplements requires good budgeting! I would have dumped the glutamine first and save the money for other products.