The Anti-Catabolic Cocktail (

That’s what I thought too unless Clemson is talking about peptide ones which actually tastes bad. I take glutamine sometimes whenever I’m feelling beat down , to speed up recovery. I need to order more!

Clemson - Do you recommend glutamine peptide or just the regular stuff? Alot of people say different thing so I’m not sure.

Ah I did a quick look now and it wasn´t Berardi, I can´t read something on that site anymore without a headach so I didn`t checked last time. (Worst design ever.)
That article is seem to be well researched but anyone who had done some reading on glutamine would had the same view at that time, it couldn´t have been an eye opener for anyone? That was what I tried to get to last time I wrote.

The rapport we were talking about was given in this forum, I did have a look on the abstract and there weren´t much in that which hade some bearing on what you said? That made me confussed and therefor I asked.
That you can speak to some who work with the subject doesn´t change the rapport I guess?

Just ordered my Anti-Catabolic cocktail (Clemson Cocktail) from… Look forward to it!


Don’t forget the coconut milk…fat and protein combo! This is a great solution for those doing multiple sessions.

more glutamine info----

From what I have been told about the acid/base levels of the body and how glutamine balances that out while providing support to the immune system I am confident I am not tossing in “stuff”. The glutamine componds are used by Mass General Hospital and the use of it with AIDS patients is remarkable.

I am as well confused…what is your question? Are you saying that glutamine is not worth using? I am not using it as a muscle builder like most bodybuilders…just supporting the body in all facets besides the simple things…

don’t forget the vanilla extract and banana extracts for the glutamine…also you can put the glutamine post workout since sugar helps mask it!

Clemson, would a few tablespoons of coconut oil be a decent substitute?

Hey Clemson, when are you gonna post the post-workout recipe? If I have double-day sessions from 9-11 and 5-7 on the same day, what would be the optimal time to consume the anti-catabolic shake? Thanks! Oh yeah I didnt forget the coconut milk. Thanks alot.


the oil will be fine, just ad water to replace the fluid…cream, oil, and milk are just a spectrum of fat forms…I am working with a few companies to get the polymers in powder form…imagine a formula that is all in powder form with concentrations of MCTs and lauric acid? Domination!


I would follow Charlie’s suggestions with reductions of insulin spikes…perhaps a post workout blend of 50 grams of pure dextrose and the hydro whey peptides with water only after leg days. If you have the money add in the other joint support formulas. What is very interesting is that the synergy effect of both the anti-catabolic formula. I have noticed after using the immuno grow that athletes are absorbing the whey peptides better and glycogen uptake is amazing. I like 25-30 grams of whey with 50-60 grams of dextrose or malt/dex blend.

Remember that if you are using a glucose monitor and your fasting (waking) glucose is above 95 then you must reduce the spiking to ensure that you don’t have beta cell blowout!

More charlie influences on my post workout beliefs and experiences:

I am also half way about the insulin raising…I find that you can spike more gently with a less high GI sugar such as sucrose with a medium speed protein such as a milk (whey and casein 50/50 blend) protein blend. I use the Go! drink since it has less total grams and can do just enough to preserve the basal lamina of the muscle. What you are trying to do is make sure the cell structure is preserved slightly…

So are you saying the larger dose dextrose and hydro whey no more than twice a week (and then only if you need it, i.e. not DE leg days or flying 20s or whatever) and GO! on less high intensity days that are still H.I., like upper body and DE leg days?


Worldclass flying 20s are intense! I think that speed/lower extremity days are the most intense for most power athletes and those are the times to support the HI work. As the quality of work elevates so does the rest period between heavy CNS days including some upper lifting to a point. The key is to evaluate what days are high and work there.

Go can support a push/pull day or an average speed day and it’s good to cycle off of post workout days to prevent the body from depending on PWO formulas. I think nutrition should reflect the training and that is why tempo is key…not only does it heat the motor neurons and help with opening up new or more capilaries…it also helps with glucose tollerance. 4-8 times being elevated per month with 2-4 being a super high blend. Some distance athletes may have to do more from the glycogen requirements but this is all based on what their metabolism is doing.

Great post, covered all the bases, thanks. Very interesting about the 4-8/month and 2-4, I have to cut down a little. With the flying 20s I was thinking about Charlie’s comment about the insulin boosters being more in response to high muscular damage than CNS fatigue but wasn’t thinking about the heavy eccentric impact.

So are you saying that it(anti-catabolic) should not be taken on an every day basis? After a weight workout, just go with a whey/dextrose formula, but where would the anti-catabolic drink fit in if double-day sessions(M-Sat. 9:00-11:00 and 5:00-7:00) are goin on and then when regular football practice starts up (M-F 4:00-6:00)? Im fairly new to all this, so can you elaborate on it again? Sorry but some of this stuff confuses me haha Im still a rook, I just know the basics. Thanks.

i have had greater success with a blend of sucrose and dextrose rather than just the dextrose in pwo shakes- keeping the dose constant at 50grams just spliting between dex. and sucrose. i feel it makes for a more stready release rather than crashing almost immediately after pure dextrose. thats been my expirience anyway.

So are you saying that it(anti-catabolic) should not be taken on an every day basis? After a weight workout, just go with a whey/dextrose formula, but where would the anti-catabolic drink fit in if double-day sessions(M-Sat. 9:00-11:00 and 5:00-7:00) are goin on and then when regular football practice starts up (M-F 4:00-6:00)? Im fairly new to all this, so can you elaborate on it again? Sorry but some of this stuff confuses me haha Im still a rook, I just know the basics. Thanks.

Anti-catabolic formula is the casein blend/immuno grow/hmb blend (with or without the glutamine)

This does not contain any carbs (maybe a gram or two from a banana chunk for flavor) and is used late at night an hour before ZMA. Basically you are getting in 50-60 grams of protein (or a third or fourth of what footballers need). The casein is well researched for body comp and being slow acting to prevent muscle break down.

The post workout should be used during intense lifting or speed work or both. This is an Anabolic blend of fast acting protein with a surge of insulin to help transport the amino acids. This process works but can’t be done all the time because it will stop working as effectively.

Take the anticatabolic blend at 3pm and 9:30pm. Take the ZMA at 10:15 and go to bed 15 minutes later…enjoy the benefits.

Thanks alot, I appreciate it! Look forward to it!

[/QUOTE]The post workout should be used during intense lifting or speed work or both. This is an Anabolic blend of fast acting protein with a surge of insulin to help transport the amino acids. This process works but can’t be done all the time because it will stop working as effectively.

Take the anticatabolic blend at 3pm and 9:30pm. Take the ZMA at 10:15 and go to bed 15 minutes later…enjoy the benefits.[/QUOTE]

Our workouts for skill position players are M,W,F Total Body. Our primary lifts are Squats, Hang Cleans, Bench Press, Lat Pulldowns, and Power Jammer Press. There are a shitload of other secondary lifts that go along, but Im thinkin that in-season we will just be doin those primary lifts on Monday and Wednesday since gamedays are on Saturday. But I will have to get back on that one and verify with the coach cuz Im not really sure… Thanks again, you’ve been alot of help.

I would load up on a dextrose blend for each practice just to survive on M,W, F.

Alright, will do. Thanks again for the 5th time haha.

During a football season survival would be the key word. Stuff quality food into your mouth until you’re getting a Transverse Abdominus workout just from your holding your intestines in.

Well those that have bought that stuff and have been using it for a couple of weeks now, can you tell us how it is? I dont have a credit card so I have to pay my parents cash and they use theirs, but they’re a bit worried that I’m wasting $100.

So for Narked, MJ, and anyone else that has bought it and used it here are a few questions I have?

  1. What ‘version’ did you buy (i.e. with glutamine, without HMB, etc.)
  2. How does it taste? (1 to 10 scale, 1 = terrible, 10 = delicious)
  3. Hows the mixability (Could you put it in a shaker and shake it or would you use a blender)
  4. Have you noticed improved recovery from your workouts?
  5. Is this transferring to results in your training?

My two main concerns are taste and mixability, since I’m confident that Clemson knows what hes talking about and that this stuff works, but I figured I’d ask the final 2 questions just for the sake of it.