Tempo, long rest, tempo

In the final days of a taper, are tempo volumes at 300-600m? or would going 1000-1200 be fine as well.

I either drop it late season or 6-8x100.

I’ve measured my heart rate at 200 during a tempo workout (after a 200m run and a total of 2400m of runs). It was a tough workout, but I didn’t feel any muscular fatigue. The workout was 5x(run 100m, walk 50m, run 100, walk 50, run 200 walk 100, run 100 walk 100). The 100s were in done 15.5.16s and the 200s in about 32-33s. I’m a 11.01/22.4 sprinter. Has anyone else measured their heart rate during tempo workouts? Was mine unusually (too) high?

Well as far as aerobic and or restorative work goes 200 is WAY too high.

At that heart rate intensity your training anaerobic development.

Maybe I’m abnormal then. :wink:

The workout was definitely not anaerobic, as their was no lactic acid buildup and the intensity was just like Charlie describes it (around 70% of max speed, last rep as fast as first, no muscular fatigue, etc.). BTW: My heart rate was already at 189 after the first 200m, i.e. after the third run in the first set.

What type of heart rates have other members observed during tempo workouts?

What you felt is the most important thing (i.e., a pure tempo session). In any case, without knowing your maximum HR, there is no point classifying the 200 b.min-1 one…

I agree with that; however, 200 strikes a chord even in the abstract

I agree with Fogelson, what’s the point of doing 2000m three times per week of tempo if the main goal is to loosen/recovery - seems too much esp for athletes who aren’t getting therapy etc? I think a more productive way is to perform 1000-1500m of tempo and add mb circuit/gs circuits as icing on top of the cake. Also on tempo days the warmup and cooldown could play a role in work capacity development.

I have broken it up like that, but I gave myself 15min not 20-30. Yes, I was able to get more work done but the whole point of tempo is to be a recovery day. If anything, I say, push up the medball work, I have, and I have seen much better results, my shoulders and neck have grown and my abs have become more definded.

Yea, I’m doing that right now… I have a situation with one of my cars so I’m jogging to the park and to the gym because it’s close to me and to be honest it’s a great way to break up doing laps at the track. I just count my steps or guage my time it takes to jog 100m as I’m going through a parking lot or a trail as I make my way to the park.