Tempo for fatloss

i currently do 2200m of volume for tempo volume, for conditioning and keeping my body in shape as well as make me injury free, the usual benefits of tempo. However for fatloss would it be benficial to go over 4000m of tempo volume in a session? Or keep it consistent to not affect the days for high intensity work?

I find tempo is good for my conditioning i lost some bodyfat however i am more maintaining, since i have problem losing fat.

diet diet diet.

scientists are now advising that to burn fat, best way is to keep exercise at a real low level, so pulse would be 90-120 bpm.

Are you serious kitkat?:slight_smile: Fat burned during the exercies have same importance as muscle mass built during the exercise! Get Lyle McDonald’s Ketogenic Diet or any of his books (Guide to Flexible dieting would be awesome read).
KitKat’s advice may be ‘true’ with stubborn fat, but this is only appropriate with low bf level (sub 10%).
Reduce caloric intake for 10-20% (keep protein high 2 g/kg BM), do strength training to avoid losing fat (maintenance), eat more carbs around exercise (30-60g) pre-post, do a carb up (refeed) during the weekend (5-10g/kg) to avoid metabolism slowdown due issues with leptin and other downregulated hormones. Get ‘Guide to Flexible Dieting’ by Lyle McDonald.

my diet is fine, refined to make me energized for high intensity sessions.

That is interesting keeping intensity very low like you said kitkat, so should tempo work be done extremely easy, so say 1-2mins rest btw runs? However conditioning may not adapt very well from this, so what alternative can come of this situation?

Wow this flexible diet by lyle mcdonald is EXACTLY what i do to the tee. feed alittle myself some carbs to wake me up for a workout session followed by carb intake after workouts, i refeed myself and intake alot of carbs and protein during hte weekend, and comin into monday i feel great which is what i found to work for me. However i have what you call stubborn fat, and i stay around 15-17% bodyfat, interestingly enough (as i posted alot on this forum on my bodyfat) i cannot gain weight very easily, meaning i will gain weight till i reach a certain weight then i wont gain anymore, this always happens when i hit my heaviest weight number. If i exercise then it goes down abit and stays put, if i do tempo goes down abit more then stays put. If i refine my diet it can go down but at my lowest weight threshold it seems, unfortunately at that weight my performance suffers.

Hahah great, this flexible diet by lyle mcdonald is EXACTLY what i do to the tee. feed alittle myself some carbs to wake me up for a workout session followed by carb intake after workouts, i refeed myself and intake alot of carbs and protein during hte weekend, and comin into monday i feel great which is what i found to work for me. However i have what you call stubborn fat, and i stay around 15-17% bodyfat, interestingly enough (as i posted alot on this forum on my bodyfat) i cannot gain weight very easily, meaning i will gain weight till i reach a certain weight then i wont gain anymore, this always happens when i hit my heaviest weight number. If i exercise then it goes down abit and stays put, if i do tempo goes down abit more then stays put. If i refine my diet it can go down but at my lowest weight threshold it seems, unfortunately at that weight my performance suffers.

thats low, however, i had a 150kg client come in with a resting HR of 101… she aint loosing now weight sitting around.

simply the best way to raise the HR into the Aerobic zone and keep it there for 30min, no letting it go up n down. Rips fat right off, it turns the body from a Carb burning machine to a Fat burning machine to supply its energy, too high an intensity and you need carbs to get through the workout too low and your body just does not try. you need it to go, wow your going hard and carbs are burning up too fast, here, have some slow release energy from FAT - it has more energy per gram than carbs and you not going too hard that i (the body) cannot convert the fat into energy - (fat takes longer to convert to an energy source than carbs)
Its really simply really, just most people are too lazy to do it, or are always looking for short cuts when if they just followed the above, they would have gotten to where they needed to be by the time the Short cut made itself useful.
It does not mean you have to do Long runs, you can still do tempo, just you have to add body weight exercise between reps and not push your reps too fast to create too high a HR.

I’d reassess your “my diet is fine” statement if you can’t get under 15% bf.

I would think increasing tempo could cause injury. Personally I can’t do 3 running tempo days with no therapy.

If it is actually the case regarding 90-120 bpm you could simply do a LONG (1hr) warmup and let that be it.

Your heart rate won’t get real high and you’ll actually be doing something that could possibly improve your sprinting as opposed to a long slow jog or bike ride, which I personally would feel is detrimental.

Even though the scientists say keep a low heart rate, I am not so sure that you can’t burn as much fat doing sprint workouts and ext. tempo.


i agree if the diet was correct while during 2200m of tempo with weights and speed then the fat should be coming off unless you got the fat gene.

I just went from 230-168. The best way to burn fat during tempo is to take short rest, and challenge yourself. Especially for 100/200m type tempo. On longer tempo runs such as 400m you can take a couple minutes. Incorporate circuit training and medicine ball training at least EOD! Its a huge help. If your a sprinter do workouts such as jog 1/2, 1, or 2 miles at a slow pace, by the end your pulse rate will be up, trust me. I think the key is that you have to feel tired at the end of the workout. YOU NEED TO RAISE YOUR PULSE RATE HIGH. At least 105-115. You can hit the bike, jog, swim. Anything of that nature, it has to be at least 15 minutes in duration (just my opinion). Burning fat is not the same as speed training, keep this is mind also.

And oh yeah. Try abs EOD. Twenty minutes in duration: I do broomsticks for warmup, side bends with a db, med ball sit-up (same a v-up except your feet dont move, its harder) regular crunches. Get an anatomy chart and make exercises geared towards different parts of the ab.

I have a 12 pack right now.
Good luck.

i do tempo and weights and speed work in the form of hills. The diet i use help me drop fat, however it plateaus at a certain weight, and if i lose more badyfat then i feel lethargic and my performance goes down even though my bodyfat is down (lowest i got to was 14.4%). Then i increased my carb intake more again and my performance came back unfortunately my bodyfat went up as well (16%).I get my heart rate at a very high level, how do i keep it low like you say kitkat, do i run 100m then rest for 1 min or 2 mins then run again? if i run with slow rest it will challenge my conditioning and get my heart rate up fast, so to lose the bodyfat optimally i must take more time doing tempo?

I’m not peeved about this ordeal i just ask questions to see if there is an alternative to possibly further better my performance, my fat is not hindering my progress, and im healthy as hell.

Dont do it that way. This is why when you go to the gym half the people are overweight. You have to challenge yourself, God didn’t make it easy. Nothing in life comes easy.

I agree. Work hard, evaluate if it affects your next days speed work negatively (with too much vol or intens this may happen).

As Clemson always says… Tempo is WORK

Sweat… Pant… Don’t worry about heart rate too much.

Get DIET in check. Those Lyle McD recommendations look good.

If you work enough and have diet even decently in check then you will lose fat.

How are you measuring bf%?

calipers, and sometimes a machine at my work but its not as accurate, however when it read a lower bodyfat it correlates to me looking slimmer.

As Dr. Sprint put it in different words, doing 40min slow ‘cardio’ or hiting 400m hard for 15mins (intervals) will yield SAME fat loss if the caloric expenditure is the same. Intensity doesn’t matter, caloric expenditure does. EPOC is usually over-estimated. It goes to calore in vs calorie out.
15-16% bf isn’t appropriate level to think about ‘stubborn fat’. When you go to single digit bf level, then worry.

I suppose you must define priorities. You cannot gain muscle while losing fat and your performance may be compromised during the fat loss phase. So, it is better done in the off-season phase.
So, the goals of the fat loss phase are:

  • Losing body fat
  • Maintaining LBM (lean body mass)
  • Maintaining performance (or even slight impromvement)

I would suggest, doing ‘dieting’ for 4-6 wks, interspread with 1-2 weeks of ‘normal eating’ (maintenance levels).
Try consuming pre-post workoud CHO OR (not and) weekend ‘carb-up’ (refeed).
Also, some people cannot lose fat when eating too much carbs. Yet, not eating carb may compromise your performance…

Thus try:

  • Dieting (80-90% of Maintenance Calories) for 4-6 wks, then eat normal for 1-2 wks and repeat
  • Cut out carbs (this will create caloric deficit) and only eat them post-workout (30-60g with same amount of protein)
  • DO NOT DO week ‘carb load’
  • Eat plenty of lean protein sources (2g/kg of BW)
  • Keep tempo and weights (reduce the volume of weights)
  • Add some creatine (5g postworkout)
  • Be patient…
  • Read the articles at www.bodyrecomposition.com

Senri, maybe you could try IF (intermittent fasting)? Try google it…
Or visit

Good luck!

You could always just do a PSMF (with a refeed maybe 1x a week after your workout friday or saturday) for a couple months. No way you would be >15% by the end of that. PSMF = protein sparing modified fast