Stuart Mc millan

Probably Gilbert could do that…150 kg is nothing spectacular in Bobsled.

Yes and I can recall Pfaff, in person, saying DB did not clean much more than that amount-this was about 11 years ago when he made the statement.

I was under the impression that Dan said DB was cleaning around 120-130 after the quarter’s in Atlanta. Perhaps he got stronger after the video was taken?

Yeah, there was something in the thread regarding activation sessions stating DB could clean 150kg ‘without much trouble’!

When was the video footage from?

Also what of this picture? I know that it could just be a pose but I would think that if he could snatch this, he wouldn’t have trouble with 100 kg for a clean.

What’s that? 80 on the bar?

Either that or 90, it’s kind of hard to tell to be honest.

I was only reporting what he said, in person. IIRC, Pfaff said DB cleaned around 110k/120k and I assumed he meant that to be at or near his max.

Video and audio interviews with Dan indicate that would be a work load, not max.

Depending upon how many reps or multiple sets he was doing at those weights, that number could still be “near his max”.

I believe he said that he would usually do singles and occasionally doubles at the highest weights-if the weights would allow.

I’ve listened to some of the audio interview but not the dvd. Does he talk about #'s of reps at those weights?

I posted it in the other thread. It was 8x1 @ like 120kg and that was after the quarters. Other places he’s said 300lbs or so (I think a bit more) for a 1rm.

Thanks for the clarification.

I’d like to get another chance to talk to him since(though I did not, of course, hear the squat part from him directly but rather from the hosts for him at the “seminar” during a weekend in Nov. of 97- I was informed of the the story many months later)I’d like to get the scoop on the back squats and see if they were, in addition to the cleans, included in his Olympics activation protocol. If it was all done, how was it organized would be my question. What and when?

This is why I videotape all my athletes doing their max testing. Inevitably someone always tries to pull out the BS card when my athletes are telling what their max lifts are. So, we send out the video clip for confirmation. I even zoom into the plates so that it is indisputable.

Just like the WVU strength coach (now Michigan) telling everyone he has 500lb power cleaners when then hadn’t actually put up a 1RM near that weight. Show us the video clip please!

Yep, in Barwis’ mind doing a 10-15 or whatever RM to = an estimated 1rm is the same thing. I just don’t believe you should or can even accurately state that you did a weight when all you did is do a lighter weight that “predicts” a larger weight MIGHT be possible and the more reps that are used to make this great prediction, the less accurate the prediction is going to be. Also, how much rest was used in this, essentially, cluster set at 325/335 lbs.?

Is it just me or did Donovan seem to get much more muscled starting around 98 or so? He looked to be well over 200 lbs. when he competed in Sydney.

looks like 80?

A picture like that means nothing, it could be a pull or even a deadlift. Unless he has the weight overhead you cannot assume it will be a snatch.

Not saying he can’t snatch it, it would be pathetic if he couldn’t at his level.

Dan Pfaff Interview: