I’m looking for your thoughts on strength training for twin girls HS volleyball players. They are pretty much beginners wrt to weight training, but have done enough work in the past that they have good form and can execute all of the major lifts in a safe manner. They are also quite good jumpers. As freshmen they already have the highest verticals on the team.
They will be playing club volleyball three days a week, and lifting two days a week. Right now they have a program that looks like this:
Sun: vball practice
Mon:vball practice
Tues: Weights 1
Wed: rest
Thursday: vball practice
Friday: Weights 2
Sat: rest
Weights 1 consists of warmup and some plyo and form jumps, then
- Deadlift
- Bench
- Lat pulls
- Hyper-ext
- Mil press
Weights 2 is warmup, plyos, jumps, then
- Squats
- Incline bench
- Seated rows
- Upright rows
I’m fairly comfortable with the program so far. The thing I’m trying figure out is how to handle progression of sets/reps. They have about 15 weeks before spring track starts. How should they organize their sets and reps over this time?
As beginners, I’m thinking they should be doing higher reps in the 10-12 range. Should they work from there down to sets of 4-6 reps, or stay at higher reps throughout? Or should they look at some kind of wave loading?
Any thoughts?