I don’t know what to say to that story …
The ARP promoters make some very scepticle claims the put into question the entire product, in my opinion. There have been very respected coaches who have used the ARP and found it to do nothing for them at all (Cressey). How did Jay heal his son’s bicep, out of curiousity? I assume something with ARP, but has he said anything specifically on the issue?
As far as I know it may be possible to use micro-current at the correct frequency to assist in tendon or ligament healing.
I don’t discount the fact it’s possible.
When did Cressey try ARP?
Did he try it himself or did he have someone familiar with ARP demonstrate it on him?
I don’t know the entire circumstances, so there may be something else to it that I do not know.
Cressey has simply stated that ARP did absolutely nothing for a pec injury he sustained and he used it very early post-injury. I just don’t see a respectable coach putting out those words if it really did work and he is not affiliated with the product, a competitor, or anything similar.
ok first off i met cressy when he was learning about the ARP and he was the most skeptical sarcastic bastard in the room and i remember him talking about his injury. i doubt he used the machine corretly or did what was necessary to get the benefit from it. if u want to listen to random people online then listen to this. ive used it i know and i would swear by anything that the machine is of amazing benefit.
Where did he learn about it?
Did he actually use it? Or just decide himself?
i was at a seminar with the guy where dennis was doing demonstartions i dont kno if that is what he went off of because it takes more than one session to see the results with 4 sessions a day max. after 4 sessions the source of injury is gone 6 additional sessions for strengthining. but i sat right next to the guy during the lecture and he was so pesimistic and shit. him and this other guy where doing everything they could do discredit jay and dennis. this other guy tried to act like an ass and confront jay and jay tore this guy a new asshole it was halarious.
Out of curiosity what was the pec injury. Was it a complete rupture? I would imagine even the purported benefits associated with ARP would have trouble fixing something like that. Although I could be wrong.
As a concept or in theory I believe it may be possible - the question is has ARP bridged that gap yet?
Supposedly it was just a strain. Just going on what Cressey has publically stated.
For those that have been around the board for a while, there’s good chance that ‘the other guy’ was a former poster with the initials CV - both of whom are very intelligent individuals whose opinions I respect. (And I’m not trying to discredit Dennis, jay or the ARP stim.) Both individuals tend to have their ‘bullshit’ detectors set on high - so I could see their response.
Sorry - I think this is the correct link:
I on the other hand don’t wish to discredit EC or CV - but there is also a difference between having ‘BS detectors set to high’ and having pre-concieved ideas and an unwillingness to listen to others and their point of view … we all can learn - we don’t have to rudely contradict everyone that doesn’t agree with us… like I said wasn’t there but it seems like the whole thing was a right fiasco.
both came off as assholes to me but im an asshole too so i dont hold it against them.
I’m not getting involved in one side or the other …
But the only thing I really hate apart from dishonesty is a person who can’t listen to the other side of an argument or … a person who can’t listen to the other side of an argument without having to attempt to contradict the other person.
That’s all.
If someone wants to make a show of themselves and make crazy claims let them … who am I to contradict?