Strength blocks vs Bodybuiding blocks Chris T's book

I want to begin incorporating the ideas presented in Christian’s book in my workouts and would appreciate some clarification on the loading weeks for block periodization. For the athlete percentages are given and for the bodybuilder it is recommended using a load close to best on all sets. Would this mean that each set for each week is worked to just about positive failure? (maybe 1 or 2 reps left in the bank?) So for the 4th week of the block I would not decrement the load, simply follow the prescribed set and rep scheme and always lifting close to failure?

Also, I’ve determined that I am predominantly fast twitch with a less than efficient nervous system. I assume all my sets should be as explosive as possible while controlling the negative? This is my first time trying to develop my own program and I just want to make sure I am going about it the right way.

I’m not really an athlete, more of a recreational weight lifter and am posting this here simply because this is where I purchased the books. I hope that’s ok.


I want to begin incorporating the ideas presented in Christian’s book in my workouts and would appreciate some clarification on the loading weeks for block periodization. For the athlete percentages are given and for the bodybuilder it is recommended using a load close to best on all sets. Would this mean that each set for each week is worked to just about positive failure? (maybe 1 or 2 reps left in the bank?) So for the 4th week of the block I would not decrement the load, simply follow the prescribed set and rep scheme and always lifting close to failure?

CT, like a lot of others reccomends not working to failure. Week 4 can be summarised as maintaining the intensity but reducing the volume by 50%.
Although I am a huge CT fan personally I find that not enough recovery and have in my current program have added a 5th week to my blocks that are 2 tempo runs, 1 weight day performed as a circuit and 4 rest days. NOTE this lack of recovery may be age related (early 40’s) and my athletic averageness. The 5th week is a trial to see how it goes. I have read a bit lately on the positive impact of detraining for more than 1 week and want to give it a run.

Also, I’ve determined that I am predominantly fast twitch with a less than efficient nervous system. I assume all my sets should be as explosive as possible while controlling the negative?

Looks good to me.

This is my first time trying to develop my own program and I just want to make sure I am going about it the right way.

I’m not really an athlete, more of a recreational weight lifter and am posting this here simply because this is where I purchased the books. I hope that’s ok.


I know exactly where you are coming from.

Here is a very good thread that may help. I understand this may be in CT’s new book (roll on Feb when I will get it :smiley: ) either way I found it useful.

Thanks for the reply. If you are familiar with the writings of Paul Delia from AST sports science, that is the program I have been using prior to reading CT’s books. Paul recommends always working to positive failure but lately I feel this is taking a toll on me. I’ve also come across some articles on t-mag by CT which seems to go into more detail.

No, I’m not familiar with Paul Delia but most of the stuff I like focusses on failure as being avoided unless being specifically aimed for as a test (1RM etc) and this should only be done every 4 or so weeks at best.

There is a heap of stuff by CT at t-mag that should help, any further questions ask away.