Still trying to understand the whole CNS overtraining idea

Ok so Im pretty new to this CNS overtraining thing. Ive been around on these boards a little but still dont really have a complete grasp on it so I have some questions. So if im going to play competitive basketball, I should lift on the same day then take a day off before lifiting or playing again? Is that correct? And also what exactly is considered an intense CNS activity? Would it be alright to run drills and shoot on off days? Also, Im wondering what exactly is the detriment to overtraining the CNS? I know its a lot of questions but Im just trying to really get a grasp of everything and all the threads Ive read already dont really explain the basics since they all seem to be pretty advanced. Thanks in advance for youre guys help. Also any links that could help explain these ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Just a few thoughts. CNS intense activities include sprinting, jumping, weight lifting (above 80% of ones 1RM), etc. Anything that requires your nervous system to give strong contract-relax-signals to your muscles in simple terms. Basketball includes a lot of intense short sprints and a lot of jumping so yes I would count it as CNS intense activity and you should lift weights the same day to be able to rest the next day. You can definitely do some drills and shooting on the rest day. Just don’t overdo it.