squats atg v box

  1. Am I Correct in thinking that atg squats are best used develop general strength, box squats are best used to help develop starting power and half squats best for max strength?

2 I am also thinking if I use stretch bands squatting if you hook them to something below the bar this is more suited for when your focus is starting as it causes you to have full steady push and really develop a full smooth push and if you hook the bands above the bar they are more suited when your focus is max speed as they will help you get out of the bottom but it is up to you keep the bar moving at the same speed as it gets heavier on the way up if you are going to make the lift or is this more like accel. work.

I am sorry in advice as I am sure that I missed a major point somewhere and will therefore get roasted. This is the best thinking I could come up with. I know there is no such thing as stupid questions just stupid people and I do not want remain one of the stupid people forever, so any ideas that can help me down the path will be appreciated.

I prefer to work with the full squat a majority of the time. But then again, I’ve never had someone box squat. I’d rather just add a pause in the full squat then a half (or 1/4) box squat.

all strength training is general, nothing is specific except sprinting (or starts), and neither one develops different qualities any better (a half squat isnt better for max strength than an atg or a box squat)

it’s been shown that different variations of the same exercise develops the muscle and tendons differently, 4 instance a bicep curl with the arm fully extended and fully flexed will cause the muscle 2 lengthen and the tendon 2 shorten , at rest the muscle remains the same, whereas if the bicep curl is done by fully flexing and partially extending the muscle shortens with the tendon remaining the same, at rest the muscle will shorten.

so what you are saying full range exercise what be best for top speed and should develop muscles less prone to pulling and partials would develop muscles that would more helpful with strating and how long would it take see this change in muscle/tendon length?
Do you or anyone else have any idea how effetive using stretch bands for added resistance while lifting is for sprinters and how they should be used?

he defined one as better for max strength (i think intensity would be the variable there) and which is better fo the start, when improving strength in any variation will be helpful for the start, so im saying in relation to sprinting, strength training is general, no matter which exercise you do

full range exercises 4 the knee extensors r not recomended 4 sprinting due 2 the fact that it is not event specific, think about it, u never bend ur knee more than 90° not even in the starting blocks. different story with knee flexors though, full range is applicable here cos of the stepover.

explosive lifts r good 4 top speed, cleans and snatches but u’ll get the best results from a balanced weight program.

to avoid pulls u need 3 thing balance strength(agonist, antagonist) flexabilaty and the correct muscle firing sequence.

u’ll start cing changes after 2 months.

i would’nt advise stretch band training cos it slows the limbs down due 2 the increased resistance as u complete the exercise, training should b aimed at accelerating the limbs not decelarating it.

I dont understand the logic of your last statement, if the goal is to accelerate the limb then why would you use weight then? So your goal shouldnt be to add weight on your lifts because it will slow your limb acceleration?

Arent resistance bands just evening out the load throughout the lift? So its better to not even out the load?

the purpose of weight training is 2 recruit more motor units 2 increase force production.

with weights u get an even resistance which u can accelerate with the correct % of ur 1rm. with the bands the resistance increases which makes acceleration imposible at any %.

the law of specifity tells us that we will adapt specifically to the specific load there4 weights will give a certain adaption and bands another. even weights lifted differently will give different adaptions.

As understand it there are two ways to set up bands…
If you hook them up to something below up than yes it evens out the load so you must lift hard though out the entire range.
However if hooked to something above you as squat down the weight becomes lighter so and as move up it becomes heavier so if use a lot of weight what determines if make it is weather or not you able to keep the bar speed as it gets heavier which is the opposite of a normal. Right? In a normal squat if you can make it out the bottom than you should make to the top because you get stronger as you move up.

the bands r probably alot safer bt look at it this way, if bands were that great all or atleast some world class athletes would b using them and i dont know any that do.

with weights u get an even resistance which u can accelerate with the correct % of ur 1rm. with the bands the resistance increases which makes acceleration imposible at any %.

An even resistance, but you are stronger at points, why do u always want to accelerate?

Why is acceleration impossible? Well you need to accelerate some time or you wouldnt lift the weight? Wouldnt lighter resistance bands allow you to accelerate more?

the law of specifity tells us that we will adapt specifically to the specific load there4 weights will give a certain adaption and bands another. even weights lifted differently will give different adaptions.

And how do these adaptions effect sprinting?

I wouldn’t use bands. If you wanna get fancy, try some weight releasers. If you want a big load at the top of your squat, do partials or lockouts.

I now understand stretch band training would train decelarating I see that I was wrong. Please disregard my last post upon really thinking about I can not even understand what I was thinking or trying to say thank you. I also see the case for half squats over full squats. I read an old post on the same topic and it seemed that most people were saying that they experinced less knee pain with full squats is it true reversing the movement half way down places greater shear froces on the knee?

cos that is the nature of the sprint, ur limbs must accelerate 2 allow u 2 accelerate.

acceleration is a positive change in velocity, band which increase force as u go along cause a negative change in velocity, lighter res bands will just cause less of a decelleration.

sprinting is explosive so u’d want an explosive adaption, bands r anti-explosive.

from my exerience, full squat is more harmful 2 the knee joints, if the technique with the half squat is correct knee pain will b minimal or totally non existant.

First Arnie, I just want to say I’m not trying to argue with you, I am just trying to understand so this doesnt turn into one of those other threads, I appreciate the dialogue goin on here man.

I understand acceleration is a positive change in velocity, what I am looking at is say a squat, first descend, but then to start the upward motion you have to accelerate, obviously you dont accelerate the full way up you start to decelerate before you reach the top so the bar doesnt fly off. But you have to accelerate to move the bar up, not decelerate. Yes the bands are causing you to accelerate less but theres still the need for acceleration.

I just dont see in this situation so if you did a body weight squat you would presumably accelerate more than if you did a weighted squat.

So with your line of thought why would you do a weighted squat, doesnt it decrease acceleration.

So from that arent bands in some sense just adding more weight, yes it slows accelerate but it is not a condition that you reach zero acceleration.

And if squats arent sprint specific does it matter that the acceleration is less?

Elaborate please on your experiences that lead you to think ATG squats are more harmful to the knee joint.

Let me get this right: a full squat is not specific to sprinting, but a half squat is? If you want to avoid full squats, find another excuse (what’s up with the knee issue?). Don’t bring specificity issues in this. What makes you believe the squat is specific to sprinting to start with?

Also, how much of this knee flexion comes from a voluntary action, so that you need to specifically focus on training it?

I had to look at the whole thread and I have to say that the bs is flying. First off, bands are defined as “Accommodating Resistance” because they ACCOMMODATE the strength profile. On a traditional lift (bench, squat, etc.), as much as 25-30% of the lift is deceleration, so it has nothing to do with anything but the fact that you have to slow down on the end of the lift of the weight will fly off your back or out of your hands. Bands and chains allow more complete acceleration.

When you are weaker (assuming a traditional band set-up to the bottom of the rack/floor) the bands reduce tension and make the lift easier (the bottom of the squat), as you get stronger the band increases tension forcing you to accelerate the load to complete the lift. Bands and chains are effective. It’s a fact. This is not the absolute way to train though, researcher David Behm has noted that it is the intent to accelerate the load that is just as important as the actual acceleration.

And I’m not even going to go into the full squat vs half squat and the knee extensors issue. It’s become very clear that some on this board have no knowledge of anatomy/physiology. Argue against full squats if you will, but not because it’s “bad on the knees”. Sell crazy some place else, we’re all stocked up here.