Sprinting makes you stronger?!

Does speed work make you stronger in the gym? And if yes how?!

If you want to get stronger in the gym you need to get under the bar I guess. Don’t see how sprint training will help you improve your lifts.

Have a look through the archives.


Sprinting improves your central drive, (i.e. the ability of your nervous system to recruit high threshold motor units) and also provides stimulus to fast twtich fibres.

I doubt however it provides any benefit to elite strength athletes like Olympic weightlifters. Certainly, the associated injury risk would make it an unlikely inclusion in a training program.

thanks david !
nice, thats what i thought too…

As Charlie once said in another thread, BEING FAST (or getting fast) makes you strong (in the gym). That’s a very very interesting idea. Most people think too much in reverse (get strong to get fast) and fail.

Have you ever seen a sprinter full squat 1200 pounds? Ben johnson couldnt full-squat even half the weight of the world record. He benched 400.

Was that with a pause though? At 170, not clean. Yay. Who cares. Powerlifters would laugh at that. Someone remind me what the world record is for the 165 weight class. Or the world record in general is for bench.

You know how many guys at golds gym woburn are benching 400 pnds. On top of working 60hr work weeks, yelling light weight baby. I aint afraid of johnson, francis or any of these guys. Just cause your strong doesnt mean you can swing em in a fight.

Don’t believe that hype.

I mean ben johnson is supposedly the strongest sprinter ever. A kid at vcu full-squatted 540 after a sprint workout. He also ran 10.2; 6.7 clean. This kid was stronger then ben johnson. He didnt even give a crap. Im tired of the ben johnson hype.

I mean charlie wants to take credit for coaching the strongest athlete of all-time. Don’t think so buddy.


i know the kid your talking about he was legit.

BJ had squatted 2x6x600lbs. But thats not the point of this thread!

I think all elite sprinters have the CNS power to become excellent powerlifters (especially if they also have the leverages along with it).

There is certain transfer from speed improvement to strength improvements and vice versa, but the degree of that transfer depends on the level of the athlete (PRs in squat and PRs in sprint). We cannot apply this to all levels of athletes. There is something called ‘specificity’ too, especially at higher levels of athletes.

kind of an unwarrented rant.

also, have you ever seen anyone full squat 1200lb’s?

BJ had squatted 2x6x600lbs

Im not trying to start a fight. But,

  1. What type of squats did he do? They werent full. Theres a huge difference.
    (Imagine if guy from boston did 1/4 bench at 600 pnds. Does this count as his real max. Nope.)

  2. What page was this on speed trap? I dont recall seeing 2x6x600 in speed trap. Please show me. So your saying he did 12 reps at 600 pnds for 1/4 squats or 1/2. I mean who knows now. LOL. Charlie even contradicts himself. I dont care personally. He could probably do 400pnds for full-squat. Either way doesn’t affect my life in any way. Thats my guess. The same as his bench.

Not bad. Almost the same as tim montgomery. Ben slightly better.

And also…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwNlUTekYWA

  1. I know what your gonna say. He didnt go all the way down.

Well neither did ben.




Ben couldnt mess with that. This guy is a body builder.

dr sprint, what exactly do you want ? are you fighting with yourself ? 100% off topic…

nobody said you need to squat 1200 to run fast…
nobody compared ben johnson to a powerlifter who squats with a suite that boosts weights by up to 90 kilos, an ultra wide stance, a fucking 20" belt, knee straps, ammonia sniff, 5000 grams of testosterone a day, 300mg dianabol, and 50% bodyfat

we are talking athletics here

Actually, most sprinters would be sh*t kickers in fights. Look at the ab work, look at the strength, look at the speed. All they need to do is know how to throw a punch and they would dominate in fights.

Punching and sprinting are two completly different things. Come on now…


Thats the funniest thing I have heard in a while. Anyways.

I only got one negative point on this post. Im right though. No matter what the points say. 400 g on condo like what. You want some Lamdba with that pie.

B’s to say what your thinking all day and everyday.

ben wasnt doing 2x10 reps…

from the horses mouth, last post, first page.


oh, and if i had to choose who would kick me, a 1200lb squatter or ben, id take the 1200 lifter.

its the speed thats delivers a powerful impact not raw strength with shit cheating equipment

What’s the power to bodyweight ratio on that. I’m sure it’s pretty similar to most sprinters. The only difference is that that guy wouldn’t stand a chance in athletics.

I agree the Ben Johnson weight lifting numbers are exaggerated and that most people put him up on a pedestal for no good reason. But, there are many world class sprinters out there with impressive strength capabilities.

How many 45’s is 1220 though. Think about it. I would face johnson anyday over a world class powerlifter. Someone like that you couldnt even take him down. Plus he’s heavier. Think about it. Ben is 165-170.