Sprint Biomechanics


I always hear coaches talking about things wrong with certain sprinters starts and biomechanics.

I would like to learn how to access sprinters form and whether they are using the correct technique.

Are there any books on Sprinting biomechanics and techinque?

Running by Bosch and Klomp

Not a book but this is worth reading.


Thanks Guys!

Anymore responses are welcome!

for running biomechanics i would simply youtube carl lewis.IMO he was and still is the best by far. study him and you’ll soon see the difference between good and bad biomechanics.

worst i have ever seen was daniel effiong from nigeria.you tube him an compare the 2 athletes!

Chidi Imoh would give him a run for worst technique

thats 2 nigerian sprinters! :confused: close but having seen a slow mo of effiong years ago i was sold.still he ran 9.99 and i’d rather not mentioning the rest after that…

I can’t agree Carl is the best model, Ben was faster and Usain is faster again. If you were to be caught using the supplements today that were ok when Carl was king you would be a spectator.

I don’t believe anyone completely understands the biomechanics of running fast and more times than not simply say things to confuse or for financial gain, Tellez and the Moyle start for example.

A robot that uses the current biomechanical model cannot stand it will fall over, it is only recently that the Japanese built a robot that can mobolise and it uses a different model.

Charlie understands programming (load/overload) better than most and he shares information. A unique situation where possibly the best coach in the world is not allowed to?

Use the Pluto theory and at no more than 50% effort experiment, then post your findings. It may take a couple of years experimenting but unless you are one of half a dozen athletes what have you to lose other than credibility

from someone whom understands mechanics and specifically sprint biomechanics trust me in what i’m saying.carl lewis mechanically was superb

the initial question was about understanding biomechanics and not speed.at one stage donovan bailey was world no.1 in the world.would you call him sound mechanically!!!?

i wouldn’t but yes he was fast.

now i will address your points one by one as you mentioned above.

1-“If you were to be caught using the supplements today that were ok when Carl was king you would be a spectator” as a moderator on this superb site this will not be tolerated.enough said and you know the rules!! next time will be the last about the above

2-“I don’t believe anyone completely understands the biomechanics of running fast and more times than not simply say things to confuse or for financial gain, Tellez and the Moyle start for example.” tom tellez worked damn hard as a coach and has a superb record to prove this.he never asked the smtc guys for payment and i know this for a fact.he had a role in the UH as the head coach and he always put the UH athletes first! this is fact! after all he has done in this sport do you not think he deserves gain? also what does tellex say to confuse people.this guy has no secrets!

3-“A robot that uses the current biomechanical model cannot stand it will fall over, it is only recently that the Japanese built a robot that can mobolise and it uses a different model.” since when does a sprinter stand still??? please show me a robot that can sprint and who would you recommend as a mechanically sound sprinter male or female?

also what biomechanical model are you talking about.what model are they using? :confused::confused::confused:

I will take your word that you know biomechanics, it doesn’t mean I have to agree and when someone says trust me I usually think, Eish…

The initial question was about biomechanics and technique, both words were mentioned equal times, I probably presumed wrong when I thought the question was about speed. I should have taken more notice of “”senior members””

!.* Fair enough.

2-*You are obviously a fan, I can only say I brought a lot of how to train sprints video’s in the 80’s and 90’s including some by tom tellez, I couldn’t be fussed digging them out of the archive box for the name and release dates for you.

3-* a. mobilise means move not stand still but what I saw included both.
Usain Bolt.

You will have to do your own research on this one.

Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

no i am not a fan of tellez work but as a person he is very approachable.i have had the pleasure of working with tom and i will speak highly of him due to the opportunities he and his team gave me.i do not agree with alot of his work but from a biomechanical point of view he is fantastic.look at all his sprinters from heard to marsh,from burrell to lewis from witherspoon to baptist.these athletes were all sound.take a look at burrell from 91WC and compare him to 95 WR in lausanne.amazing difference which i have discussed in the past.

i would however like to hear more about the robot model and whom is it based on.

i’m fanatical about golf and a friend of mine developed a new technique based on byron nelson.he was the most consistant golfer to this day and so was his swing.later on a man came along and wanted to develope a machine that could hit ball after ball straight down the line for testing equipment etc.the developer called george manning used byron as the model and hey today we have this robot/machine called iron byron.

now this robot you are mentioning,what role model are they using??

Please read this linked thread


Shame this wasn’t available when I started, would have saved me studying a lot of useless information.