RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

nervous! man da fuc up

Warmup C
3x30 facedown
3x60 pushup
p skips h/d 2x5
sq 2x3x315
bench press 2-2-1-10
row 3x8
core 200x

Great workout but shitty day, I was driving back from the gym and someone hit my lil bros car and the bastard doesn’t have insurance.:mad: Anyone who lives in Houston knows the group of people who don’t have insurance. :slight_smile:

Tue: 300
Warmup C+acc ladder+builds
2x40-50-60 (facedown/pushup/3pt)
p skips h/d 2x4
ohb x5
pc 4x2x225
bp 322
pullups 3x8
blf x5
core 100x

I had to fly back last night because my eyes started to breakout too much. Overall the training session was great considering all the shit I have going on, I decided not to race today since I haven’t done much training but will compete next week.

I passed my PE content exam 280/300 next I will prep for my special ed exam and try to take it before fall camp. I found out yesterday that I may not need to interview with the coaching staff, I’m still waiting because the staff has a short vacation before hitting the final stretch. Now it’s time to D-Bo these assholes who damage my lil bro car!!!

Schedule for this week:
Tue: Speed
Wed: Tempo
Thur: Overspeed+SE
Fri: Tempo
Sat-Sun: Rest
Mon: Prep

Does it just bug your mind that a one sec drop can change your life forever? I’m talking, dipping Ferrari F430 type change.:cool:

I never thought of myself as having a gambling addiction, but part of the reason why I never left track was because I just walked on the track and in 2 years was cruising 47 in the 400.

I got to come clean, I’m not man enough to train for the 400 alone. I have so much respect for T Washington because he did that.

Anyhow, I’m not a coach but imo if you can run a 11, you got it in you to run a 10.00.

I lived in Cali and it was the same thing… The police would make a killing selling the cars they took from these people at the police auctions. I use to scoop up cars for like 500-600 bucks then sell them…


The thing is, with unemployment benefits running out and people unable to find jobs you’re going to find a lot of regular fully degreed Americans either riding around with no insurance or loosing their cars completely. This along with the oil spill I think the whole Myan 2012 is in FULL effect.

Huh? You have to be joking. 11 flat and 10 flat are not remotely close in attainability, simply due to genetics.

Are you sure about 10.00, maybe 10.3??? Maybe if I got my bodyfat to 6%. :slight_smile:

You REALLY think you maxed out your genetics?

I think with my body type etc 10.3 would be the limit.

I forgot, we got solar flares coming our way too!


John Smith once said the only thing we can’t measure is a mans will power. He then when on to say that a mans will power can cause a man to do extraordinary things.

Warmup A
Rest 5mins
Core 200x

Tough session on Thursday then catching a 6am flight to South Carolina Friday morning, won’t have much time to train this weekend but I will try and get a 15min jog or bike ride Saturday night.

I’m goin for the gold
My heart is in control my mind is on succeed and I am in the lead
Don’t buy into the schemes
The science or stratege

Warmup C+acc ladder
2x40 face/push
stadium pogo 2x20
3x40 overspeed
height x5
squat 3x2x325
bp 3x3x225
reactive height x5
core 100x

Fri-Sun: Travel

Week 8:
Warmup C
8x100+pushups x8
core 100x

Warmup A
10-15x10 easy accels
p skips h/d 2x8
ohb x5
pc 5x2x225+5x2x205 rest 45sec
sq 3x2x325
bp 4x3x245
blf x5
core 100x

Warmup C
5x100 rest 45/3min
100+2x200 walk 200
core 200x

Warmup A+acc ladder
2x30 facedown
3x120 rest 8mins
p skips d 2x8
ohb x3
hs 4x2x115
sq 2x2x335-365
bp 2x3x245
blf x3
core 100x


I will train on Saturday, take Sun-Mon off because I have to travel. I didn’t race this week because the meet was lame; next meet is next Sat.

What was so lame about the meet?

How did you go about the overspeed work? I’m playing around with the idea of implementing it sparingly to keep from hitting a wall in my flying sprints progression. Do you think it could serve that purpose?

I used the ole school bungee cords from perform better. I towed my partner for 30m rest 3mins then performed the overspeed portion for 40m. When I was towing my partner I was only going half speed because that wasn’t the focus. Another reason why I did the overspeed session was I needed a strong stimulus since I was taking three days off.

Warmup C+acc ladder
2x30 facedown
2x60 3pt
stadium pogo 2x20
vertmax jumps 4x10
core 100x

Was gonna do weights and throws but the gym was closed. Catching a flight tonight at 745pm!!!

Week 9:
Sun-Mon: Travel

Tue: hamstring!!
Warmup C+acc ladder
4x30 95%
ohb x5
bp 54321+vertmax 2x10
blf x5
core 100x

Warmup A
core 200x

Thur: REST

Warmup C
pogo x15
4x20 (2 face-pushup/2 3pt)
bp 2x1x275
core 100x

Felt SLOW all week!!!





Ok guys, my season is finally over and I have learned a lot this season. Some how I fill like I didn’t reach my full potential because of poor decision making and 6 hamstring injuries. If all go well over the next 4 weeks I will return for another season, which may be my last. The plan is to take 2 weeks off follow by 2 weeks of active rest (light weights, jogging and kettlebell circuits).

Results: 07-24-10
100: 11.03 with wind
Somehow I ended up in the wrong heat and raced against 15-16yr kids. Not sure if it was the competition or Friday workout, I don’t understand why my time was off.??

Sun-Mon: REST

Results: 07-27-10
100: 10.83
Heat Index 100 degrees and a major fuck up, I never can catch a break. :mad: We had to run the 100 twice within 15mins because the timing sensor failed for our heat, my friend who was watching said my first race was fucking awesome but I wasn’t able to recover within 15mins and I totally failed apart the last 10-15meters.

Things I need to achieve this fall training period:

1: Increase weight room strength.

2: Cont to develop general fitness.

3: Intro spec end 1/2 ASAP, this work will start in week 1 of SPP.