I am rookie bobbsledder so most of my work is in acceleration. But lately I wanted to use some long hills for speed endurance. Earlier in the year I did some 300s and did 150s, 120s, 100s, once a week and I believed they helped my top speed and work capacity but they had a negative effect on my strength work in the weight room and I even had some trouble keeping my bodyweight up where it needs to be. I just finished the gpp essentials 3 weeks ago and since then I had been doing 70-80m hills at around 15-20 degrees. 2 sets of 3 reps with 8 minutes rest between reps and 15 minutes between sets. And I have just been running them close to full exertion on saturdays after all my acceleration and lifting is done for the week. So far they don’t feel as punishing on my system as the other typical SE training but I want to save my cns for short sprints, lifting, and pushing the sled. Any advice would be appreciated.