Split: building and sprinting

What do you think of this 14day split?

Day 1: Olympic Lifting (OL) High Intensity (HI)
Day 2: Quads (HI)
Day 3: Glutes (HI)
Day 4: Hams (HI)
Day 6: Core (HI)
Day 7: Upper body (HI)

Day 8: Rest ® Low Intensity (Low)
Day 9: R (Low)
Day 10: R (Low)
Day 11: Tempo (Low)
Day 12: Sprint ladder (HI)
Day 13: Tempo (Low)
Day 14: Sprint ladder (HI)

Okay, don’t hang up on the exercises, what I want to try is to do body building type work for 7 days, then sprint for 7 days.

The goal is to build muscles while being able to do a lot of sprinting at the same time.


You can build muscle whiles sprinting in the same week, depends which you want to place more emphasis on? I mean, I would for starters only do two days in a week with legs and do two days a week upper body, changing the exercise, intensity and reps on the two days.

If you are aiming to build strength and muscle I’d say:

[li]Monday - lower body weights @ HI (85-90% of 1rm), low volume, doing heavy compound movements such as squats/ dead lifts and cleans along with low volume leg extensions and ham curls (to strengthen and stiffen the muscles surrounding your tendons) >followed by track session @ HI, low volume, involving plyo’s and block work, emphasing power and acceleration, not going beyond 60m
Tues - Upper body @HI, low volume, foucisng on larger muscle groups (chest, back) doing compound exercises such as bench and weighted pull ups, shrugs

Wed - Track only, doing tempo runs for lactic tolerance, rhythm, technique/ form and heart rate

Thurs - Upper body @ Mid-Low (60-75% of 1rm) intensity, high volume (3-4 sets, 8-10 reps), focus on smaller muscle groups and exercises like DB military press, hammer curls, tricep extensions, rear delt flyes, pec flyes, front raises - basically strengthening smaller muscle groups to prevent injury as well as creating a degree of hypertrophy particular in the deltoids which are probably used more in sprinting, plus create a better physique IMO

Fri - Lower body weights @Mid-high intensity
(70-80% of 1rm) mid volume (6-8 reps) focusing on more specific movements such as box step ups with raised knee (one leg on box other leg raise at 90 degrees with dorsiflexed foot), sled runs over 20m, single leg squats or lunges and ham leg extension work. This should be followed 2-3 hours after by track workout focusing light plyos, max veloc, not doing anything over 80m


The rest between sets and reps will differ on thes training days but I normally allow longer recovery (3-4 mins with weights and 5 mins with sprints and plyos) on HI days and shorter recovery (between 1-2min recov between sets)

To give a rough idea of what kind of build I am at the moment, 6ft and 189lbs which is roughly 2.6lbs per inch in height, roughly what most top sprinters in the world are at. If this is the kind of build you are looking for then I can only think of how I train and know others train. Saying that, I was previously training to get bigger before starting athletics, I’ve been training in athletics for about a year and 6 months in total (taking into account time off from injury) and started off at 92 kilos (202lbs) in weight and now down to 189lbs plus was running 12.0 (prior to athletic training I had done no sports since age 11) and am now down to 10.9, hopefully aiming to hit mid 10’s by next year.