special endurance training

Besides what TheOne put up, not a whole lot. Speed Endurance is supposed to have little recovery with reps 80-150m @ 90-100% effort with a volume between 300-1200m depending on what energy system you want to train and a rest of 5-10 min relative to volume.

Special I is reps of 150-300m w/ volume 300-1200 (again dependent on energy system) w/ rest 10-15 min relative to volume. Special II is reps of 300-600m w/ volume from 600-900m w/ full recovery. Special II trains the body to handle Lactic Acid accumulation. Special Endurance I & II are also both run at full pace.

How are you going to train speed endurance if you are not enduring anything because you are 100%. That’s why Speed Endurance has lower rest time. Special Endurance is special because its purpose is to train different energy systems. That’s why it gets full recovery, (or somewhere near it).

How you can train speed endurance before you actually train for speed is beyond me.

That’s my definition and it’s worked for me.

posted by 400stud
Besides what TheOne put up, not a whole lot

400stud you completly lost me with your definition of speed-endurance I didnt realize you were giving one I thought you were reciting it from a book, it sounds like alot of information/terms not fully understand just thrown around…Now how are you going to come in here and talk about speed endurance when your 200m time doesnt add up with your 400m time? Ok so anyways your going sit here and tell me repeats are easy??? Say you were a 21.5fat sprinter and that doing a workout that consisted of 3x200m at 22.0-22.5 each with six minutes rest is easy??? Do you think mj,55mkent, kenny,quick,or rich thinks this is easy or anyone one at an elite level or any level,thinks that running 3x150% 85-90% of their best time with 6 minutes rest is easy. I can tell you that I know three guys who run under 10.30 fat who would be hating a workout like that, praying to God, making noises like an animal, pounding the track with their hands maybe even their heads and all types of things to finish a workout like that. :mrt: I have seen it and it aint pretty. Also to comment on theones post which is the only good post here according to 400mstud. Curtis Frye goes more extensive then that giving a chart for every distance and the rest interval even breaking down tempo, into reg and intensive. I believe it is in the american track and field coaching book. He writes about a 10 page article on the subject. Cant argue with someone who has coached more then 200 all-americans. Would you like to argue with that? Untill you come in here busting a sub 48 I would keep your critiquing of posts to yourself. Also a 23 second 200m sprinter should be able to run under 54 seconds.


posted by 400stud
it is more along the lines of tempo, if you do it at 80-90%, it is more along the lines of intensive tempo or interval training (off-season type work) and any faster you are crazy because you need rest.

Do I here a self contradiction here. 80-90% is too slow because its close to tempo and offseason work. Yet if you want to do speed-endurance you must go faster but yet any faster would be crazy. Have you been listening to too much 2pac lately. Also I thought tempo was performed year round, inseason and out of season.

Yolanda Adams can sing like no other. I am a fan of Kirk Franklin, Project 86 (religious type rock band), P.O.D., earlier Whitney Houston stuff, music like that.

As for my CD collection, it only took me a little over a year to collect. Most are burned but I do have a lot of originals. All money that I make off of the CD’s is going right back to my church, too. I’ve already sold like 4 or 5, but I want to get rid of the rest.

It was the devil and thank you for understanding and not going back off on me.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think of you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Note to members…

I have learned the hard way about getting into public arguements on this forum.

It wasnt you it was the devil. Sixty rap cd’s is a fine collection. As for me I like everything from pac to bach (but lean towards classical music now). Yolanda Adams is a mighty fine artist too!

take it to U2U’s. not on the forum

Thats cool but how come you dont like rap music?

Originally posted by Timothy Lane
Thats cool but how come you dont like rap music?

I USED to like rap music but stay away from it now. To tell you the truth (though you may not believe it), I am getting back to my Christian beliefs. I still need to control my anger better, though (obviously).

Rap music has been a very negative influence in my life over the past couple of years and I am getting it out of my life. I only listen to Christian, and some alternative/metal (trying to keep it as clean as possible). I find rap to be sometimes depressing, derogatory, and just plain bad. Disrespecting women, talking about killing others, promoting sex and drugs, not my bag anymore (I was never active in drugs…sex once…BAD mistake). It also accounts for some of my anger problems. That’s why I just stay away from it.

I have about 60 rap CD’s I am selling to get them away from me. So I just try to stay away from it.

Sorry for going off earlier. We are all entitled to our opinions. We all just need to learn how to better convey our message though.

It was not the devil, it was your flesh.
Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the sprit, and the sprit against the flesh: and the desires are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

One Sunday morning at a huge church in New York City God decided to visit. To his surprise, he found the devil standing outside the church crying. Being the good person that he is, he stoped and asked the devil " why are you crying"? the devil replied " it’s so unfair… everyone in there keeps blaming me":devil:

LOL. :smiley:

So I take it you are somewhat religious yourself?

i thought special endurance came before speed endurance??? isn’t that correct???

It depends a lot on the athlete being trained and the type of program being used.