Special endurance help.

Would any of you recomend doing special endurance work the week of a track meet (I’m running the 60m and 200m) ? The meet is on this coming sunday the 16th, I was planing on doing some special endurance runs on monday. I would have 6 days before the meet to recover, is the long enough?
Thank you. :smiley:


It wqs a new question.

Thanks for the answer.

It all depends on your level of training. Can you send us the workout plan for this week? You have enough time to recover if you use the proper regeneration methods. It is almost the same amount of time you would have if you had a meet on this weekend and then the next.

I plan to do:
Mon: 4x30 easy curve standing starts, 4x30 fast curve block starts, then Special Endurance 2x200m. Then light plyos and light weights.

Tue: Tempo run 65%

Wed:2 flying 20m’s, 4x30 easy starts, 4x30 fast block starts, 4x60m starts. Then plyos, weights.

Thu:Tempo run 65%

Fri: 4x30 easy starts, 4x30 fast block starts, light plyos, NO weights

Sat: rest

Sun: meet

*with full recovery between reps/sets, and hot tub/hot bath after speed days :wink:
What do you think?

Thanks :smiley:

Originally posted by Talus
Would any of you recomend doing special endurance work the week of a track meet (I’m running the 60m and 200m) ? The meet is on this coming sunday the 16th, I was planing on doing some special endurance runs on monday. I would have 6 days before the meet to recover, is the long enough?
Thank you. :smiley:

As long as the meet isn’t the National Championships, you should be fine. (see section on 10 day taper)

Also, I find S.E. workouts easier to recover than a speed session, as the CNS demands are not as high. Of course, this depends on the athlete and the previous level of fitness :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Talus
*with full recovery between reps/sets, and hot tub/hot bath after speed days :wink:
What do you think?

Ice bath after speed days! Hot bath will delay your recovery. Hot salts bath after tempo is good.

The only thing in the plan is that there is no rest after the meet and you immediately do your special endurance session. This may be a bit much?

Depends how far you take the special endurance into the season- and how you spread the special endurance away from the meet. Obviously, you can’t come back the next week with SE on Mon after a Sun meet. You have to determine the recovery needed. If the SE must move as far as Wed then you’d do only one rep. If you got closer still to the Big meets, then the meets ARE the SE (or, if an appropriate event is not available, an SE run follows the competition(s) that you do have).


How will an hot epsolm salts bath taken 6-7 hours after speed work affect recovery?

Originally posted by OorWullie

How will an hot epsolm salts bath taken 6-7 hours after speed work affect recovery?

Where did you read 6-7 hours?
Or is this a new question?
I wouldn’t see a problem with 6-7 hours afterwards!

The meet is not a “big” meet, its just a meet where I know alot of my friends from my old school are gonna be there. Plus the current state champ in the 200m is sapost to show up too. I just wanted to be at 110% and to be ready to put down some good times to start my season.

But may I ask why I wouldnt want to do hot baths after a speed day ? How do they slow down recovery after a speed day, but help after a tempo day?
Sorry just a bit confused.

Once again thank you for everyones great advice :slight_smile:

everybodys body is different I personally benefit from a little ice therapy straightafter the workout, then after I have come home eaten relaxed etc I have a hot epsom slat bath 250grms works for me and 20 mins I have to say I did it 4 times laat week with pulse ems in there as well and i was as good to go for every session as well as i would be with a massage therapist, they do work, i find streching after the bath particularly helpful as the core of the msucles and ligaments are extremely loose espcially whenj trying to strectch the glute/hips which can always be tight after sprinting .