special endurance 1&2 for 100/200m

excuse me i’m a newbie on this board could coach francis tell me whether he included special endurance 1 and 2 for his 100/200m athletes and if this affected their 100 time also if he did how often would he recomend it. sorry that i’m throwing lots of questions at you but did ben johnson perform special endurance 1and 2 sessions. any help would be appreciated :confused:

Speed Trap explains all of Bens Training, it is a great read for only $14.99.

By the end of his career Ben only trained out to 150m the majority of the time because this was where his strength lied. Other athletes may benefit from doing SPE2. Charlie may have discussed this somewhere in the archieve.

where did he discus it do you have a link. also i don’t have any money to spend so any info would be great :o

Special End. II is worked on folllowing gerneral Prep after acceleration is in place. It is done once a week. Later on special endurance 1 and speed endurance is also added. When into heavy comp. the meets may act as the special endurance.

so in pre comp to comp phase i could do something like:
mon: acc dev weights plyos
tues: ext tempo and gs circuit
wed: speed e or special e 1 weights plyos
thurs:ext tempo and gs circuit
fri: max v weights plyos
sat meet or special e 2 gs or bb circuit
sun: rest

Looks pretty good except that you dont want the two high intensity days in a row on friday and saturday. If you have a meet on saturday then change friday to a low intensity pre-meet prep day and then compete. If not, then change saturday to something similar to thursday or tuesday, with general strength stuff and/or extensive tempo.

As a general rule, wednesday will be the day where you place your special endurance (whether it’s 1 or 2).

Agreeing with Mr. C you wouldnt want to do 2 high int. days back to back and you certainly wouldn’t want a high intensity max v day 24 hours before a meet. If you are not competing I would suggest this…

mon: acc dev + max v weights plyos
tues: ext tempo and gs circuit
wed: speed e or special e 1 weights plyos
thurs:ext tempo and gs circuit
Friday or Sat: Accel + Special End. 2

If you were competing I would say…
mon: acc dev + max v weights plyos
tues: ext tempo and gs circuit
wed: speed e or special e 1 or Special 1 and or 2 weights plyos
thurs:ext tempo and gs circuit
Friday:pre meet
Saturday: Comp

If you were competing you can cycle the special end and speed end throught a few microcycles…
Cycle 1 can be…
Week1: Speed End
Week2: Special End 1
Week3: Speed End with 1 Special End 2 rep at the end
Week 4: Special End 2

Just an example… Like wise you can cycle max velocity with speed endurance as well… Just don’t ignore any element for too long…

Quik, since we’re on the subject, I have a quick question. Would you ever use both Speed End and Special End in the same week, or would you alternate them weekly.

for example, would you ever do this…

Mon: Speed End
Tue: Tempo
Wed: Special Endurance II
Thu: Tempo
Fri: MaxV

I ask because I’m trying to plan an SPP but I compete at so many distances (100,300IH, 400) that I cant train as a pure 100m sprinter. Also, would you ever do this either…

Mon: Split Runs
Tue: Tempo
Wed: MaxV
Thu: Tempo
Fri: Special Endurance II

I dont think this type of weekly schedule is exactly advocated but I cant seem to find another way to get all the work in at the distances I want. Thoughts anybody?

What do you guys reccommend as a pre meet workout?

Also, since high intensity runs performed the day before competition will limit performance and will lead to accumulation of CNS fatigue - could is be possible do high intensity runs the day after competition, then followed by a rest day?


Mon: Int. Temp
Tue: Speed End.
Thur: Pre comp. (?)
Fri: Comp.
Sat: MaxV +accel
Sun: Rest

Which type of speed endurance are we talking about. There are 2 main types Which I use. The neuromuscular type which I begin in Special Prep is a session such as 3x3x50 with 1 min rest and 5 min rest. The other type is done later on and that is pretty much anywhere from 60m-150 with full rest. With your first setup…

Mon: Speed End
Tue: Tempo
Wed: Special Endurance II
Thu: Tempo
Fri: MaxV

I would never do Max V on Friday because I like to be very fresh for my session. Later in the week after all that work you may feel a bit drained. So I’d rather Flip Flop Wed. and Friday.
Again Im just commenting on the setup. I cant say much withoujt seeing the entire setup with workouts.

As for your second setup…

Mon: Split Runs
Tue: Tempo
Wed: MaxV
Thu: Tempo
Fri: Special Endurance II

I like this one alot. That is a tough workload but is definatly a good way to plan.

There are many ways to skin a cat. You are def. on the right track.

No way. When competing the competition takes place of the third workout.

Quik, thanks for the advice, but still a few more questions :slight_smile:

If I stick to this general template…

Mon: Split Runs
Tue: Tempo
Wed: MaxV
Thu: Tempo
Fri: Special Endurance II

and then as I progress in my SPP change my split runs into actual full speed endurance runs would that be doable or would it be too much work? An example week with speed endurance (later in the SPP) would be the following

Mon: 3x80m (full recovery)
Tue: Tempo
Wed: 3x60m; 2x60m (full recovery between all runs)
Thu: Tempo
Fri: 2x350m (40 min recovery between each)

On every CNS day I do some short accel stuff as shown from vancouver 2004 (in the program that comes with it every workout starts with some accel stuff, and I would be doing something similar to that at the beginning to work on the beginning of my race and to prep for the longer runs).

Just for comparison sake, a week with split runs (early on in SPP) would be like this

Mon: 3x(4x60) (2 min between reps, 7 minutes between runs)
Tue: Tempo
Wed: 2x(3x20m easy/20m fast/20m easy)
Thu: Tempo
Fri: 2x600m (12 minutes between reps)

The basic idea I’m going for is that as time progresses I want the distance for my speed endurance to increase (with an increase in quality over the distance) and the distance for my special endurance to decrease (to the point where I can run a high quality 300m SEII run). Ultimately, I would end up with speed endurance at 120m and special endurance at 320m. The whole time I would be working on speed on Wednesday either through the cone drills, or runs in the 50-60m range.

What exactly is Max V?

Max velocity are runs over 20-30m from a flying start where you aim to hit and hold maximum velocity. They are shown on the GPP dvd with a full explanation of running form and what to look for.

thnx quik i’m going to do that speed e and special e 1 and 2 mircrocycle you gave me and another question wil doing special e 2 hurt my 100m/200m time or will it just help me progress through the rounds

Hmm, ok.

What do you + your athletes do for pre-comp workouts (24 hour time frame)?

The Setup youve listed is more of a precomp setup in my opinion. I dont do really any max v late into special prep and I also progress slower from intensive tempo to split runs to special endurance II. Here is how I have set it up in the past.

2 weeks
Monday - Int. Tempo
Tuesday-Ext. Tempo/Hurdle Mobility/Med balls
Wednesday-Ext. Tempo in Pool
Friday-Ext. Tempo

2 weeks
Monday-Accel Development (reaction drills/Accel.drills 20 meters)
Tuesday-Extensive Tempo/Hurdle Mobility
Wednesday-Intensive Tempo
Thurday-Strength Endurance (ex. marching A’s 150 meters x 3)/Ext. Tempo (pool if needed)

4 weeks
Monday - Acc. Dev. Up to 30-40 meters
Tuesday-Ext. Tempo/Hurdle Mobilty/Med Balls
Wednesday-Split Runs
Thurs-Ext. Tempo (Pool if needed)

4 weeks
Monday-Acc. Dev. Plus Speed Dev. (up to 80 meters)
Tuesday-Extensive Tempo/Hurdle Mobility/Med Balls
Wednesday-Special Endurance 2 (Reps. 300-600)
Thursday-Extensive Tempo (Pool if needed)
Friday-Acc. Dev. Plus Speed Dev.

Monday-Speed Endurance/Special Endurance 1
Tuesday-Extensive Tempo/Hurdle Mobility
Wednesday-Accel. Development/Max Velocity
Thursday-Extensive Tempo
Friday-Special Endurance 2 (300-600 meter reps.) (1200 meters max volume)
Saturday-………. If competing then Special Endurance 2 (Friday will be dropped)

Note: If not fully recovered Wednesday can be taken as complete rest or tempo in the pool and everything moves down 1 day

Monday-Speed Endurance/Special Endurance 1&or2
Tuesday-Extensive Tempo/Hurdle Mobility
Wednesday-Accel. Development/Max Velocity
Thursday- Extensive Tempo/Premeet

This is what I have done in the past. I do things a bit different but this has been my actual setup. Again there are many ways to skin a cat.

Dealing with college athletes I let them do whatever they want. Some athletes like myself like to do nothing, I feel more fresh that way. And some like to do blocks and a few buildups to get loose and get the CNS firing.
Optimally you may want to give them 2 days before a meet off (If competing sat. rest thurs) and have them do some starts, stick work, and some accels. the day before. But as I said everyone is different. You may want to encourage what I said but again I am dealing with college level athletes here so they know their bodies. With high school athletes as long as they are out at practice doing something I think thats fine.

Cool quik, thanks for the feedback. I’ll keep that in mind when I prepare for the outdoor season this year. I really like what you do for your comp weeks. What do you do the day after a meet, just complete rest?

can anyone tell me if special e 2 will affect my 100m/200m time any help please!