Colin, Don, xlr8, no23, rossa, anyone else make yourself a cup of tea and read this. Everything you need to know!
I’ve read it before, but I’ll re-read it again for maximal absorbtion
Thanks David,
Just boiled the kettle …!
Good stuff, kind of like a “Cliff Notes” version of SuperTraining (and with the same problem of ‘how do I apply this info to my program?’)
No doubt that training with high-velocity movements can increase RFD and power while training with heavy weights increases strength. The question is, how do I incorporate all of these elements into my program? Can I just squat and sprint? Or do I need to hang snatch and sprint? Or jump squat and sprint? Or some combo of all of the above? How do I know how and when to cycle them? Personally, if I don’t squat heavy (>80%) on a regular basis, then I find that I my snatch and clean will stagnate or regress.
My core program elements are sprinting (to handle the velocity aspect of training) and squatting (to handle the strength aspect.) I try to work in the OL and plyos next, and rarely weighted jumps. Although recently, I have been doing a lot more explosive med ball work which could be considered under the weighted jump category.
Sorry Dave I just found this. I’ll have a read tomorrow. Not like I’m doing any work these days!
Thanks David W! This is great reading!