SMTC/UH Workout programme

As promised here is a sample of the workouts the uni of houston/smtc teams would perform

September '98

First practice-8x100m videotaped running(biomechanics analysis)

monday-15min run weights(15mins max for monday until next month)
tuesday-800/600/400 or 2x800/4x100 breakdowns
thursday- 8x100 increases to 10x100 by end of sept
saturday-15min run increasing to 20min by end of september

conditioning and emphasis on proper lifting technique low intensity
3sets 10reps 60% of max basic lifts as the CFTS

October '98
monday-6/5/4breakdowns or 2x600/4x100 (alternating sessions each week!)
tuesday-15min run drills weights
thursday-10x100 or 6x150
friday-drills weights
saturday-20min run increasing to 30 by end of october

weights phase2(6weeks)
strenght and power moderate intensity
4sets 5reps 80% of max **every 3rd/4th session light 60-70%

November '98
monday-5/4/3 or 2x500,4x100
tuesday-starts weights
wednesday-stadiums hills
thursday-10x100 or 6x150
friday-starts weights
saturday-30min run

weights phase3(mid nov to 2nd week of dec 3weeks)
peaking varying high intensity 4sets of 1/2/3reps 85-100% of max

December '98
monday-4/3/2 or 2x400,4x100
tuesday-starts weights
wednesday-stadiums hills
thursday-6x150 or 10x100
friday-starts weights
saturday-30min run

weights 1st week phase 3 last 3weeks back to phase 2

****sept to 2nd week in jan would usually be pre season depending on meet schedules etc

****2nd week of jan to last week of march usually indoor

****last week of march to mid june outdoor based on the uni programme.

note that that smtc team would stretch out the programme longer as they continue to race in europe ending there season in early sept.

What intensity are the monday and thursday workouts done at?
This looks to me like a long to short program. Correct? When do they start to do short spped and max v. work

Thanks a lot X-man.

I’ve noticed that the SMTC guys lifting in the fall is done below 85% of max. Is this the best approach when going long to short?

Look closer. It’s not long to short.

dazed what do you mean? it looks like long to short to me. They dont do any accel or max v work but yet theyre doing 200 300 400 500’s and even 600’!

We do long to short too, the initial lifting is high in volume an low in intensity and then gets higher in intensity and lower in volume as the program progresses, I thought it’s the same idea as the track work of such a program, you build up to max from low intensity and higher volumes.

Thanks for posting the program x, interesting stuff, similar to what my training group does. I assume jumps and/or plyo is included in prep phase too, on the weights days since nothing on the track is done?

And infact they also do 800’s. For far did charlie push tempo out to during the prep phase? I believe he said Ben used to run as far as 600m.

Starts begin as early as december - before speed work proper begins.

There is usually more to a programme than immediately meets the eye.

i’ll answer from the last post onwards

Dazed,yes there are 800s in the programme but that the athlete can choose between long or short.long would usually go from 8/6/4 or 2x8 4x1,i never did them so i stuck to the short 6/5/4 which benefitted me better.

Quick,mondays session is very very intense and most athletes do be ina bad way afterwards even the sub 10ers whoi’ll will notice as the programme progresses the athlete will automatically increase speed naturally do to the drop-off over the programme,going from 8/6/4 to 6/5/4 you will have more confidence and will therefore apply more effort due to the disatnce drop-off.

thursdays session is done as,you must start off the pace you finish…simple,smooth accelerate as normal to 60,relax and always have mechanics in mind.after the indoors the breakdowns can increase back up for a while depending on the outlook of meets and so on.the introduction of accelerations will appear,these are usually max runs over 90/80/70/60 with proper acceleration in place.starts are usually done over varying short distances-30-40m.

if you notice,the programme starts off with alot of work but tapers of as the season progresses.breakdowns go from 6/5/4 to 3/2/1 and so on.thursday would usually go from 8x1 to 10x1 and taper off again(incline decline).

Hi X-Man

Just a few questions (mainly around the issue of recovery):

  1. Were the starts that you mention run up to 60m in preparation for indoors?

  2. Typically how much recovery was between the breakdown runs of 6/5/4, 5/4/3, etc? Were they the same, or longer recoveries for the longer distances?

  3. How much recovery between the two rep breakdowns (e.g. 2x600) and then between these and the 4x100 (as well as the time between these reps)

  4. What sort of rest did the athlete get between the 10x100 and 6x150 sessions.

From what I have gathered over time (and I may have picked up some misinformation) alot of Tellez’s sessions used walk-back recoveries. Is this true?

FINALLY my interest lies in the fact that Charlie and Tellez were arguably (probably without question) the best sprint coaches of the 1980’s with athletes that reached top speeds comparable to the top sprinters of today 20 years on (Lewis 0.83 10m split in Seoul; Ben’s 0.81 10m split in Zurich)! They appear to “skin the cat” differently, however I am trying to find out what the possible common themes are in both systems that produced such increadible top speeds and 100m times. Common themes that I assume are shared by all successful world class programmes.


           regarding your questions-i have my notes somewhere but i have to dig them out as its along time ago since i ws with the UH programme and my memory is on other things but i will get he info for you.

regarding your very last point-yes tom and charlie were and IMO are still the best around.tom had his ways but so had charlie but IMHO i would but charlie ahead by far. i have my opinions why and ill not write why but to this day CF is way ahead of the rest in every field.this man seems to be way ahead of everyone else and the other coaches still look to him.

Thanks X-Man

I look forward to your reply. Regarding what you said, I absolutely agree (and not just because I am a member of this forum). I feel that the info that Charlie provides is both insightful and generous and from studying the systems of other top coaches Charlie’s work stands out IMHO. That said, many (possibly for political reasons for which we cannot go into on this forum) attribute Tellez as their greatest coaching influence (Dan Pfaff, Vince Anderson and I think- though I may be wrong- John Smith).

Reading the first couple of lines, couldn’t stride length be a product of stride frequency or vice a versa??

Mathematically velocity is literlly the product of stride length times stride frequency. Sor instance, if your stride lengeth is one metre and you take 3 strides every second, then your speed will be 3 meters per second.

I believe both of them are a function of force however.

Hey sady is that you in the picture with the Boar? The snout suggests is was once in captivity but escaped or was released into the wild. Was the picture taken in Aus?