LSU Wk 1

About what you hear most real sprinters lift.

Ato said when he was at HSI he had the highest bench at 320 lbs. 5’9 175. His words, not someone who knows someone who was there.

Comments from the lsu workouts, sounds like CF:

Travel to NCAA

This is a day for you to hydrate well and rest your mind and body. Remember, all you need to do is perform at a level equal to your seasonal best. Do not try to do more or get uptight, it is a track meet at a place you have already competed this season.

Drink a whole lot of water and some electrolyte such as powerade or gatorade this week!!!

Week 19: Indoor

Warm Up: E

Acceleration: (30m)
1 set
-3 x stick drill
-4 x blocks (3h)

Speed Endurance:
400 hardway (8x50)

Multi Jump: Cx2

Day 1

Shot Throws: Cx3

Cooldown: E

Warm Up: B-BSR

Body Build:
Day 1

Special Endurance I:
W @ 10.7
M @ 10.0
W @ 18.5
M @ 17.8
W @ 12.5
M @ 11
Special Endurance II:
W @ 50 (14-28-43)
M @ 44 (12.5-25-38)
W @ 34 (13.3-26.7)
M @ 30 (12-24.5)
g3-3x500 DA
W @ 300@55
-3x300 NS
W @ 200 @32

Cooldown: B

Warm Up: D

Hurdle Mobility:

Odd # A&Bx50

Medicine Ball:

Remedials: Ax10

Day 2

Cooldown: D

Warm Up: B-BSR

Body Build:
Day 2

Contrast Training:
2 x 30m accelerator
1 x 60m assistance (g1h and g1 only)
2 x 30m blocks (3h)
2 x 40m blocks (4h)

Speed Development:
RI=5:00 Sprinters
1 x In & Outs
g1-2 x 15m peak
g2-3 x 15m peak

RI=5:00 Hurdlers
(W @ 30"/M @ 39")
1 x 5h

Special Endurance:
g1, g1h- 2 x 90
W @ 10.5
M @ 9.5
g1- 1 x 250
W @ 35 (13.5-27)
M @ 31 (12.5-25)
1 x 150
W @ 19 (13)
M @ 17 (11.5)
g2- 2 x 250
W @ 35 (13.5-27)
M @ 31 (12.5-25)

Intensive Tempo:
g3-6x200 declining
W @ (32-27)


Warm Up:
Hurdle Mobility:
-5x10h alt. leg w/o’s
-Competition #1-3
g1, g1h-3x30 blocks
g2-3x30 turn blocks

4x4 exchanges


8:15 Shake out
Warm Up: E


Cooldown: E

9:00 Team Breakfast

AB->60h/300 hardway

XC->Training session
RF->60h/300 hardway

Rest and Treatment

Preseason weights:
Day 1

Snatch 2x10 @ 78

Rep Jerk (1-10) 2x10 @ 59

Power Clean 2x10 @ 138

Bench 2x10 @ 138

Squats - Deep 2x10 @ 133

Alternating Lat Pull 2x15 @ 30

Front Lunge 2x15 @ 20

Upright Row 2x15 @ 35

Leg Extension 2x15 @ 30

Leg Curl 2x15 @ 30

Hip Flexor 2x15 @ 30

Day 2		

Chin Up 2x20" BW

Prisoner Squat 2x20" BW

Push Up 2x20" BW

Step Up 2x20" 40

Seated Military Press 2x20" 96

Two Arm Curl 2x20" 30

Lunge Jumps 2x20" BW

Dips 2x20" BW

Dorsi Flexor 2x20" 30

Running Arms 2x20" 10

HANGING Eagles 2x20" BW

Day 3		

Power Clean 2x10 @ 138

Bench 2x10 @ 138

Squat - Deep 2x10 @ 133

Lat. Pull Down 2x15 @ 30

St.Leg Deadlift 2x10 @ 78

Hip Flexor 2x15 @ 30

Upright Row 2x15 @ 35

Toe Raises 2x15 @ 68

Dorsi Flexor 2x15 @ 30

Leg Extension 2x15 @ 30

Leg Curl 2x15 @ 30

When Dwain Chambers added 50kg (110 Ibs?)to his back squat, it did not improve his sprint times (as he mentioned himself).

Block clearance, acceleration phase, overcoming the inertia of your body is where max strength is key.

The stretch-shortening cycle during this phase is so fast that the kind of speeds needed for applying force requires the activation of elastic tissue within muscles, and the greater use of tendons such as the achilles and the ilio-tibial band. Undoubtedly this type of strength is the defining quality of the fastest 100m sprinters.

I know this, what’s your point?

Yup… and is this the xmans weight room numbers or some other random guy?


RB34: “Will post Xman strength training workout.”

I think that was in RB34’s first post.

he also said he gained a bunch of weight. 20 pounds or something…

My whole point regarding the weight numbers was once again sprinters don’t have to bench 400 and squat 600 and probably the only one who ever got close to that was Ben Johnson. A lot of people think you have to be freaky strong or chase numbers. You just need some decent strength like Xman numbers. His numbers are what I would expect Bolt Powell Tyson Bailey etc. to lift. Very good strength levels but nothing freaky like everybody thinks. No bullshit 400 lbs benches.

Just from reading a lot of peoples posts and coaches comments and my own personal thoughts it’s common to think or hope that if they hit certain gym numbers they will be running super fast.

My whole point regarding the weight numbers was once again sprinters don’t have to bench 400 and squat 600 and probably the only one who ever got close to that was Ben Johnson. A lot of people think you have to be freaky strong or chase numbers. You just need some decent strength like Xman numbers. His numbers are what I would expect Bolt Powell Tyson Bailey etc. to lift. Very good strength levels but nothing freaky like everybody thinks. No bullshit 400 lbs benches.

Just from reading a lot of peoples posts and coaches comments and my own personal thoughts it’s common to think or hope that if they hit certain gym numbers they will be running super fast.

Evidence on the side that most sprinters are not freaky strong.


But wasn’t that one of the very reasons why Ben had such a great start over the likes of Carl & the rest of his fellow competitors?.

Hence a staple to his greatness.


Asafa has a freaky start, Bolt has a really good start (freaky for sure for 6’5). Mo had a really good start, I would call it freaky.

None squat 600, not even Mo who has better levers for lifting.

So documenting Asafa, Bolt etc means we should all start getting lazy in the gym?.

I read Mo could squat 505lbs at a bodyweight of around 170-175?. No mean feat to say the least. Dwain Chambers who in his early days particularly over 60m had incredible starts over the rest.

You have to associate numbers with amazing starts out of the blocks, acceleration etc. I’ve seen it with Mo, Ben, Dwain dominating “weaker” sprinters constantly across the board.

Here we go, getting off topic.

Maurice Greene’s Training regimen

Mark, this has got to be In-season training, cuz its very similar to Ato’s inseason…not to much recovery wise for strength base training. For Mo’s off season, I would split this over 3 days.

Tues and Thurs…Upper Body (no more than a minute rest between sets)

[li]Bench Press…5 X 10, 8, 6, 6, 6
[/li][li]Incline DB Press…3 X 15
[/li][li]Rear Delt DB Flyes…3 X 15
[/li][li]Straight-Arm-Front DB raises…3 X 10
[/li][li]Arm Running motion with DBs…4 X 4 (15 lbs, 10 second burst, 30 sec rest)
[/li][li]Dumbell Curls…3 X 15 (45 lbs, alternating arms)
[/li][li]Lat Pull Downs…3 X 10 (wide grip)
[/li][li]Dumbell Shrugs…3 X 10

Mondays and Fridays…Lower Body

[li]Squats…4 X 10, 8, 6, 3 (each rep is held at the bottom for 5 seconds, then explodes up)
[/li][li]Power Cleans…5 X 3 (start at bottom in deadlift position, snatch BB up top chest, drop the BB back down on floor)
[/li][li]OR, Clean/Front Squats…5 X 5 (start same as power clean, snatch weight to chest, then squat. Dont do squats or cleans when including this exercise)
[/li][li]Single Leg Curls…3 X 10
[/li][li]Single Leg Extentions…3 X 10

Drive Phase Training: Fridays, after weight room and track.

[li]Run stadium steps
[/li][li]Hop Up stadium steps (run down)
[/li][li]Lunge stadium steps (lung 2-3 steps at a time, run down)
[/li][li]Bounding (8 hurdles)
[/li][li]Sandbox bounding
[/li][li]Striding (3 sets of 30 strides)

Wed: no weight room; Track only work.

Heres Mo’s Meal schedule Mark

[li]Breakfast-9 am, oatmeal, protein drink with fruit
[/li][li]AFter Weight room-12:30 pm protein drink
[/li][li]After Track-3 pm, protein drink
[/li][li]Dinner-6 pm, chicken breasts, veggies
[/li][li]Desert-Protein drink
[/li][li]before bed-10 pm, protein drink.
[/li][li]*Mo only eats 2 squares a day…ideal for sprinter, plus supplementing with plenty of protein.

some good quotes from John Smith “…sprinters need a lot more muscle than long distance runners…the shorter the dash, the more muscular the runner needs to be…” Smith immediately started Greene in the weight room to add the needed muscle to carry him to the world class level. Maurice came to HSI at 155, and now weighs about 175. “…one of the primary purposes of weight training for sprinters is to train the nerveous system to produce power while still experiencing fatigue… more body strength, power and bodyweight is REQUIRED to propel the body forward and sustain the speed across the finish line…”

This article is one of the best on Greene that I have seen in a long time. great training pics and good 3-4 page article. I’ll get back to you on MJ’s if you want later on Mark. To much to go into on this message. Hope this helps…remember, dont follow this unless you’re in season. Use this routine on a 2 on-2 off split, or a mon, wed, fri weight room split for base strenght trainging. And do track work on tues, Thrus, and Sat. Or split it up by doing track work on upper body days. I can give you MY workout split if you like Mark. Mine is more suitable for me, but I’d be willing to go over it with you.

So…back to the original programming. What’s the heaviest the go % wise all season for power clean, squat, bench?

I haven’t had time to view all 40+ weeks but it seems like 225 for squats, 340’s 1/4 squats and cleans 220’s. First 9 weeks squats didn’t go over 215 and speed squats starts at 8 or 9.

Day 2		

Rep Jerk (1-5) 2x5 @ 165
(1-3) 3x3 @ 179

Snatch 3x2 @ 206

Squats 1/4 2x8 @ 312
1x6 @ 322
1x5@ 332

Clean & Jerk (1-1) 3x3 @ 156

Bench 1x8 @ 193
1x8 @ 206
2x5 @ 220

Squats Deep 4x6 @ 220