Slowly but surely...

Return of the fat boy:

:eek: Why no pose after the second lift Mr Widehouse? :eek: :confused:

Good job.

Setting a pr half-naked IS posing!

I would n’t call you fat mate, good lifts. Your posts are very mature for a young person, I thought you was as old as Charlie no offense meant to Charlie or yourself!!!

Very good snatch David…excellent explosive push through of the hips! I also thought you were an old boy too! :smiley:

Keep up the good work!

Must be the baby the face - I’m 26 (a year older than CT!)

Was there a 3rd Clip also that Rupert wouldn’t allow you to post where you had no clothes on at all?


Just kidding man - good lift!!!

Well, the 1st is not slowly, definitely.

Dave don’t lie about your age; we all know you’re 18. Just kidding mate, great lifts! Can 120/140 be far off?

Excellent lifts, David. Why do you think it is that you seem to always turn right with the bar overhead?

Right hip external rotation and abduction (compare where the right and left foot land) which he may need to get deep enough into the squat. Notice is doesn’t occur in the shallow squat. Perhaps a flexibility issue to address??

BTW, great lifts.


Well spotted Bill.

Had an operation on my right knee 3 years ago (injury not from weightlifting!). It was a long rehab and I still subconsciously favour my left leg.

Have you ever tried to even out the legs (not that it is necessary)?

I have tried and failed to even up the legs.


In looking at your video again, the first bit of external rotation occurs just as you begin your second pull. I’m wondering if your right psoas is tight (perhaps the hip external rotators as well). The external rotation may be a compensation to get sufficient hip extension during the pull. It might be worth comparing your right hip flexibility to the left.

Your thoughts?


David and Bill,

If the foot begins to turn out during squats it can be an issue of a tight piriformis. Could this be an issue in Olys as well? (A general question - not saying this is what is happening to you David.

Your comments appreciated.

Football Coach

Kick ass David ! :cool: