October 24, 2010, 7:41pm
Hey. I am a beginner olympic lifter. I train 5 olympic lifting sessions now(really intense) a week and might run sprints(low volume) once a week. Right now I get plenty of sleep but things are going to change. I now plan to get only 6 hours of consistent sleep a day. Aiming to sleep 12am-6am and try not to let it vary on weekends. It unfortunate but it would be difficult to get more sleep than this being a college student and aiming for medical school(while being an athlete, having a social life, volunteering, etc…). I don’t drink alcohol, dont smoke, no caffeine and diet is good though. But everything can’t be ideal.
Ive order some ZMA and a sleep aid recommended by joe defranco called power to sleep pm by irwin naturals. I am still considering taking this or not though and if I do I definitely will limit its use.
Do you guys think getting only 6 hours a night would have any effect on gains? Anybody recommend anything else I can do? The power to sleep supplement contains melatonin anything I should be wary about? I think that covers it thanks!
Arrrh! I went to go buy power to sleep pm by irwin naturals but the store around me did not have it so I got Night Rest with 500mg of GABA as an alternative today. Will post how it works.