Couple questions I am pondering so for anyone who reads this input would be great however little it is.
At my current lifting levels would it not be more beneficial for me to flip my training and focus almost exclusively on more plyo type work as it seems my strength levels would be suffice for someone running sub 11, let alone the current 11.29, obviously strength helps, but I think my time would be better spent elsewhere now?
Also could 1/4 squat and leg press or full squat and leg press have a more beneficial effect towards explosive development, I have gotten away from leg press as I have heard it is more benefical but since I have done this my squat and other indicating numbers vert and short sprint numbers have been pretty staginate.
And last but not least somewhat pointing towards the first question why do vert programs usually focus on high reps and limited or just body weight ie. 100 body weight squats or 50 body weight lunges and why does this work, I mean I have gotten a solid 6in or maybe a lil more on my vert following those compared to almost nothing during regular weight training?
Basically has my strength had a plataeuing effect on my sprints, should my time focus on more specific stuff ie bounding, leg cycles, depth jump, high knees and so on. Obviously I do both and would at least stay in maintenance for my strength qualities, but I think more plyo type work would give me larger improvements, comments?
Week 1 Friday
Noon Weightroom
Bench - 275, 285, 295
Squat Below Parallel - 225, 275, 295
Power Clean - 185, 205, 225 XO
1/4 Leg Press 3x5 - 400, 600, 690
Reps - 3x2
Intenisty - 100%
Rest - 3min
Notes - things went well today, felt pretty fresh, very explosive, the clean sucked as usual but 205 went up nicely.
4PM Track
Double Leg Cycles
High Knees
Reps - 2x20m
Intensity - 90%
Rest - 1m/1.5m
Reps - Accel next Standing next Blocks
Rest - 3m, 4m, 5m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 5m, 6m
Intensity - 100%
Notes - Good, nothing out of the ordinary.