Since Everyone Else Has One

First team meeting of the year, woohoooo
We actually start practice tomorrow, first meet dec 10

Cant actually make the first practice because I have class during it, but we are suppose to be sent the training schedule for the week today or tomorrow so i’ll see what kinda stuff they follow.

just wondering: why do you always do sprints after lifting or plyos? shouldnt it be the other way around?


Yea, it probably should be, for me its a matter of preference and time restraints, during the summer I can only lift at certain times, on the other hand I can run whenever, during the season I try to flip flop it.

Friday Week Watever, Changing it to do Week of Season as I started actual College Practice

Friday Week 1

3:30PM Track

Long Long Long Warm Up, not going to write it all down but there are 28 parts to our warmup, including 3x50m buildup at the end of it.

5x100m Hills w/walk back rest

5:00PM Weightroom


Squat - 265x3 to parallel
Bench - 225x9

Notes - the warmup absolutely killed me, I used to a very light warmup, I was cramping by the end of warmup.

Also the testing was done as soon as practice was over, my legs felt like jello and I could barely walk let alone squat. O well such is life. Definately going to need to get used to the extended warmup.

Monday Week 2

Had off for labor day.

Got some ab work in.

V-ups 1min
Bicycle Crunches 1min
Rest 1min
Crunches 1min
3pt. Crunches 1min
Rest 5min
Crunches x5
Rest 5sec
Crunches x10
Rest 10sec
Crunches x15
Rest 15sec
and so on up to 40 crunches

Also did some other light body weight work for legs.

Updated Supplement Intake

Mega Vita-Min
-Mega Vita-Min label
Calcium Citrate+D
-Vitamin D3 200IU 50%
-Calcium 315mg 32%
(I only take 1/2 the serving so the numbers are low)
-L-Carnitine 500mg
Post Workout
-HPLC Pure Creatine Monohydrate 2500mg
(1/2 serving)
Omega 3 Fish Oil
-Natural Fish Oil Concentrate 1000mg
-EPA 180mg
-DHA 120mg
-Magnesium 400mg 100%
-Zinc 15mg 100%

Tuesday Week 2

Umm a lot of drills today cant remember them all and some ab work, thats about all practice was, dont really have time to post much more got a lot of hw to do, so ya, maybe u’ll get more tomorrow

Wednesday Week 2

The end is near.

10am Track Workout

Rediculously long and fast tempo’d warm up with no break at all between reps

Followed by 2x2x300 at 60%/48sec
Does this make sense? I am a 55 runner who runs about 52 in the 400, which wud make 60% of my 300 around 1 minutes. Someone would have to run 28.8 in the 300 to run 48sec 300 as 60%. On top of it the rest was 2m/4m. Which is absolutely rediculous, I ran the first one in 48, and by the last one I was at 59. What is the workout going to do for a 55m runner anyhow?

Weightroom 11am

Then came weights

Jump Squats 4x10 45lb,45lb,75lb,65lb

Bench 3x10 155,190,175
Paired w/SLDL 3x10 135,135,135

Military Press Dumbell - 25, 35, 35
Paired w/Some weird Glute Exercise which I cramped on and cudnt finish

Band Flies - 3x10
Paired w/Squat Hold which I couldnt do cuz I was cramped.

Notes - I dont understand any of this, they said it is for hypertrophy, and most of the work is shoulders and chest. BTW the numbers are what they made me use not what I thought I could use. Very very frustrated.

Thursday Week 2

Today was another long warmup then some random hurdle drills. Next week I’ll be able to give you guys a better understanding of the workout because we are suppose to be getting emails of the workouts starting then, right now its just too many things to remember so, check back next week for better details of whats going on.

re max strength work platue.
you dont need to be chasing pb’s all the time. if you have leveled off in strenght gains for a bit, and feel you are strong enough for a while, just do maintance level work. ie, if your best eg. for bench is 120kg for 3reps. then for a while, stay on 100kg and 5reps for say 3sets? its not hurting too much and taking cns energy away, yet its still heavy. then later, in a few months or whenever, get back into heavy loads and watch your numbers climb.

Thanx for the advice bold, but we just started practice for the season and we’re doing hypertrophy right now so I gotta do the team stuff.

Friday Week 2

330PM Track
Long warmup

Steps run
19 steps per flight 8 flights x5
w/elevator ride back down rest

5PM Weightroom

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
10, 8, 6 - body weight
Paired w/
Front Raise Shoulders 3x10
Side Raise Shoulders 3x10
Bent Over Shoulders 3x10 - 5lbs

Push Press 3x5 - 85, 105, 125

Side Squats 3x10 - 55, 65, 75

Bicep Curls 3x10 - 25, 25, 25
Paired w/
Single Arm Tricep Extension 3x10 - 25, 25, 25

Machine Rows 3x10 - 100, 110, 120

Notes - who knows, just rollin with the punches

lol i thought our s/c prog sucked…

Haha u sed it tj2k

Monday Week 3

1:30 Track Workout


TOE WALKING (toe in, toe out) (30m)
LATERAL LEG SWINGS (10 each leg)
BACK ROLL (8 each leg)
FRONT ROLL (8 each leg)
LEG SWINGS (side to side and front to back, 10 each leg)
QUICK FEET – 20 contacts, jog to 50 meters
“A” WALK (30 contacts)
“A” MARCH (30 contacts)
“A” SKIP (30 contacts)
“A” RUN (30 contacts)
BUTT KICKS (30 contacts)
LUNGES (10 contacts)
CARIOKA (with high step, 30m)
FAST LEG (30m)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (4 inside arms, 4 outside arms)
3x50m BUILDUPS (70, 80, 90%)


Reaction Drills (stomach and go on whistle to 10 meters)

Reps - 2x4
Rest - walk back/3min

X-outs on football field

Reps - 6
Rest - walks across field

2:30 Weightroom

Hang Clean 4x5 - 125, 135, 135, 135

Split Squat 3x10 - 75, 75, 75
pair w/
Dumbell Rows 3x10 - 30

Front Squat 3x10 - 120, 130, 125
paired w/
Lat Pulldown 3x10 - 90, 110, 110

One Leg Balance on Aerio - 25sec, 30 sec
paired w/
Hip Flexor Band 2x5 - 5sec hold

Notes - housed everyone on the reaction drills, also wont write the warmup down again because it takes too long.

Tuesday Week 3

130 Track
Short Warmup
4x40m High Knees
4x40m Single Leg A Skips
4x40m C Skips
2x20m Ankling

Various Hurdle Drills
Lateral Leg Skip
Hurdle Walkover Skip

Those r the ones I remember most were 5 reps of 6 hurdles.

Notes - nothing really new, noticed some pain on the inner part of my knee, iced it down, hopefully its better soon.

Wednesday Week 3

Track 10AM

Long Warmup


Rest 1.5m/3m
31-33sec pace

Weightroom 11AM

Various Abs - 4x25

Squat Jump 4x5 - 45,45,55,65

Bench 3x10 - 135, 150, 145 paired w/
Straight Leg Deadlift 3x10 - 115, 125, 135

Military Press 3x10 - 25s, 35s, 35s paired w/
Buck Glute Ham Raise 8, 9, 10

Reverse Band Flies 3x10 paired w/
Squat Hold 25sec, 30sec

Notes - went well today, pain in knee is subsiding. 200s were bad but didnt kill me. Bench frustrates me that I have to use a different style and such shyt weight, but thats not the point of sprinting so o well.

Thursday Week 3

6PM Track Workout

Continuous Complex
50m Build-up
Prisoner Squat (10x) then 50m Build-up
Front Lunge (10x each leg) then 50m Build-up
Side Lunge (10x each leg) then 50m Build-up
Sky Touches (10x) then 50m Build-up
Spinal Breathing (10x) then 50m Build-up
Flamingo w/bounce (10x each leg) then 50m Build-up
Wrestlers Bridges (10x) then 50m Build-up
Superman’s (10x) then 50m Build-up
2x 20-40m High Knees
(monkey shuffle return-switching directions 1/2 way)

Hip Mobility Circuit (10 reps of each)
Straight leg Lift
Side Lift
Inside Lift
Balance Complex: Alternate Arm and Legs (hold each for 2 count)

2x 20-40m A-skips (skipping ½ the way back, then e-z jog remainder)

Dynamic Mobility – Part I (10 reps of each)
Kneeling Complex: Fire Hydrant-Donkey Kicks-Cat Stretch

2x 20-40m C-skips (skipping ½ the way back, then e-z jog remainder)

Dynamic Mobility – Part II (10 reps of each)
Circles Complex: Head-Arms-Trunk-Hip-Ankles
Track Complex: Scorpions Front &Back-Active Butterflies, Hurdle Seat Change

2x 20-40m Rotary Runs (skipping ½ the way back, then walk back)

Dynamic Mobility – Part III (10 reps of each)
Inverted Complex: Bicycle-Horizontal Scissors-Long Scissors-
Hurdle Rocker
Leg Swing Complex: Side to Side-Front to Back -Trail Leg Windmills Front & Back

2x 20-40m Alternate leg fast leg (walk back)

Build-Ups (walk back after each- working on perfect form)
50m @ 80% - knee/hip lift
50m @ 80% - arm/shoulder action
50m @ 85 % - step over ankles

Friday Week 3

330PM Track

Long Warmup

7x100m Hill Sprints w/walk back rest

5PM Weightroom


Lateral Squat 10,8,8 - 65, 75, 80
paired w/ Machine Row 3x10 - 110, 130, 130

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 3x8 - bodyweight
paired w/ Shoulder Raise Front, Side, Bent 3x10 of each - 5, 5, 5

Bicep Curl 3x10 - 25, 30, 30
paired w/ Tricep Pulldown - 110, 130, 130

Power Press 4x5 - 115, 125, 135, 140

Notes - actually did well on the hill runs, a lot better than last time, I still dont like this shytty hypertrophy training, but what can you do. Also sorry for the poor formatting, sometimes I just copy and paste our workouts.

Monday Week 4

10am Track

Long Warm Up

1x5 10m Squat Reaction
1x5 10m Stomach Reaction

Rest - Walk Back/3min

7x X-Outs

Rest - walk across field

11:30am Weightroom

Abs - 110 reps

Hang Clean Technique 4x5 - 115, 125, 135, 140

Front Squat 3x10 - 125, 135, 130
paired w/ 3x10 Lat Pulldown - 100, 110, 120

Split Squat 3x10 - 75, 85, 90
paired w/ 3x10 Dumbell Row - 30, 35, 40

One Leg Balance on Aerio - 30sec, 35sec
paired w/ band hip flexor - 6x5sec, 6x5sec

Notes - everything went ok, nothing major to say about the workout.


Can’t u get them to bump your weights up? Doing stuff at 60% might be good for a weight room newbie but would they let you bump it up say 10%? Especially important once your work capacity increases so you aren’t tired for your lifts.

They said during the workout I could move the weights up a little if I want, but I will go with what they got for now, never did anything like this as u know so I’ll go with the flow for now.

I’m beat when I get in the weight room anyhow so the differences would be marginal at this point. The workouts r more of a pace yourself so your not dead at the end of the week for me rather than actually accomplishing anything.

Tuesday Week 4

1PM Track


All Exercise 10x each unless notes

Skip/Jog 800m
20-50m Skip w/Arm swings (F-B)
Jog Back
4way Neck & Shoulder Rolls
20-50m Skip w/Arms crosses
Jog Back
Ankle Rolls & Calf Stretch
20-50m Skip w/Windmills Forward
Jog Back
Scorpions - Back
20-50m Skip w/Windmills Backwards
Jog Back
Scorpions - Stomach
20-50m Monkey Shuffle –Rt.
Jog Back
Sky Touches
20-50m Monkey Shuffle – Lt.
Jog Back
Flamingo’s bounce
20-50m Lunges
Jog Back
20-50m Step-overs – Rt.
Jog Back
Fire Hydrant
20-50m Step-overs – Lt.
Jog Back
Trunk Twists
20-50m Line Crossover Run
Jog Back
Leg Swings (F-B, Side-2-Side)
20-50m Backwards Run
Jog Back
Mountain Climber

Build-Ups (walk back after each – working on perfect form)
5x 30- 40m Build-ups w/a walk back rest in spikes
1st – 80%
2nd – 85 %
3rd – 90%
4th – 90 %

Hurdle walkover (alt. lead leg) *spacing = rail 2 rail
Hurdle walkover (const. lead leg) *space = 1 foot
Lateral Alt Leg Skip (str. leg) *space = 1 foot
Lateral Alt Leg Skip (flex leg) * space= 1 foot
Over-Under (rt. over, lt. under) *space= rail 2 rail
Over-Over-Back *space = rail 2 rail
Hurdle walkover skip (alt. lead leg) *space = 1 foot

Notes - again average, starting to get used to this junk, some popping on like my inner thigh during the hurdle stuff, dont know, feels weird o well.

Wednesday Week 4

10AM Track
Long Warm Up

100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, rest
100, 100, 100, 100, 100 rest
100, 100, 100, 100 rest
100, 100, 100 rest
100, 100

Rest - 45sec/90sec
Intensity - 14-16sec

1130AM Weightroom

Abs - 120reps

Jump Squat 4x5 - 45, 55, 65, 75

Bench 3x10 - 140, 165, 160
paired w/
SLDL 10,10,8 - 135, 150, 155

Military Press 10,10,8 - 35, 35, 40
paired w/
Buck Ham Raise - 9, 10, 11

Reverse Band Fly 3x10
paired w/
Squat Hold - 30, 35sec

Notes - everything went good, asked to get my vert tested since the top vert at the school all time is 36.5. Only got my reach measured, since not testing for vert til December, however my reach was measured at 84 inches, 7ft, which is a joke since I am 5’9", they use relaxed shoulders and both feet flat on the ground, so my vert should be anywhere between 36-42 inches depending on how I feel that day, I hate shyt measures, relaxed arms and feet planted on the ground does not give an accurate measure of vertical jump.

I could stand on my toes and reach with my shoulders strained and get a vertical of like 6 inches and not get off the ground what kinda sense does that make?

wish i could do my tempos that fast -lol. r those 100m or 100yds

100 meters, trust me its not my choice, if it were up to me there would be no such thing as tempo.