Shuffled my program around to account for my slow recovery from speed workouts...Please critique

Here is my new plan…

SU - Speed 1
M - Tempo
T - Supp Weights/Core work
W - Tempo
TH - Speed 2
FR - Tempo
SA - Rest

I am amazed at how long my recovery from speed work has taken compared to 6 years ago heheh :slight_smile:

I am thinking at least for a while (8 weeks) I am going to do the following program to maximize time between speed sessions. Please tell me what you think :slight_smile:

ps- I am very strong in the weightroom and recover really quickly from weight workouts. the newly introduced speed workouts are killing me however hehehe…

Here is the breakdown…

Sunday Speed 1:

I’ll make Speed 1 the harder CNS wise of the two workouts as I’ll have an extra day of rest after speed one versus speed 2
~300 meters total speed work

· Warm-up: 800 meter walk/jog, drills (A’s, B’s, Ankle drills) stretching, 3x30 meter accelerations)
· 3 reps x 3 set x 30 meter standing/lying/block start sprints (4 minutes rest in between reps. 8-10 minutes between sets. All timed if possible)
· 3 flying 40’s with 10 meter acceleration phase (7 minutes rest between reps)

Weights after Speed 1: (3 minutes rest between sets)

· 4 sets of back squats (~3-5 reps concentrating on bar speed) Oly style deep
· 3 sets of jump squats (4-6 reps in between sets of squats 50% bodyweight)
· 3 sets of GM’s
· 3 sets of standing calf raise (explosive)
· 3 sets of flat bench

Monday Tempo:

· 16x100 meter tempo runs at .65% intensity (16 seconds per 100meter run)
· Broken into 4 sets of 4
· 40 seconds rest between reps
· 2 minutes rest between sets

Tuesday: Supp weights/core

· 3 sets seated cable row
· 3 sets of behind neck press/push press
· 3 sets Reverse Leg Press (If available)
· 3 sets of GHR or hypers
· 3 sets weighted situps
· 3 sets weighted hanging leg lifts
· med ball work

Wednesday Tempo:

· 16x100 meter tempo runs at .65%
intensity (16 seconds per 100meter run)
· Broken into 4 sets of 4
· 40 seconds rest between reps
· 2 minutes rest between sets

Thursday Speed 2
~400 meters total speed work

· Warm-up: 800 meter jog, drills (A’s, B’s, Ankle drills) 3x30 meter accelerations)
· 2 reps x 2 sets flying 50 meter sprints
with 10 meter accels 6 minutes rest in between reps. 10-12 minutes between sets.
· 2 flying 80’s with 10 meter acceleration phase (8 minutes rest between reps)

Weights after speed 2:

· 3 sets of power snatch
· 3 sets front squats
· 3 sets Reverse Leg Press (If available)
· 3 sets of flat bench press (explosive)
· 3 sets of weighted dips (explosive)
· 3 sets of push press

Friday Tempo:

· 16x100 meter tempo runs at .65% intensity (16 seconds per 100meter run)
· Broken into 4 sets of 4
· 40 seconds rest between reps
· 2 minutes rest between sets

Saturday - Rest

What do you think? Too much weight work?

Thanks again,

The program looks very good! Weight volume looks good!

thanks :slight_smile:
I did supp weights and tempo tonight and it felt great. Quads are finally loosening up hehe :slight_smile:


why the (explosive) calf raises? Do you not feel they get enough of that between drills and track?

Also, bench press AND dips AND push press after your second speed session. Why such a high volume of such excercises?


I am doing the calf excerises only for a few weeks as part of a heel rehab exercise. Also I am hitting legs pretty hard after speed one and wanted to target my upper body a bit with speed 2 and some CNS intensive work. It’ll probably be too much but I’ll have to feel my way through it :slight_smile: I might move dips to supp weight work instead… I want to keep bench and push press in there as they are so explosive and CNS intensive :slight_smile:

I want to group my CNS intensive work twice a week so I have enough time to recover. :slight_smile:


I dont know how fast you are, but tempo running is calculated (as far as I know) as follows :
goal time = (pb for event*100)/ desired intensity

eg (11.5*100)/65 =17.7
each run is then at 17.7 secs

16 secs at 65% would make you a 10.5 man which is good!!!

and how much do you weigh? jump squats with haf your body weight seems heavy.

bench press twice a week?

tuesday- i’d do medicine ball work before weights.

oops that was a typo :slight_smile:

My best in competition hand time was 10.6 and 10.86 electric.

Right now I am approximately a 11.30-11.45 electric runner. (6 years and 20 pounds later) :slight_smile:

11.30x.65 = 17.3

Right now I am right at 200 pounds. I am using 95 pounds as my jump squat weight for sets of ~5-6 reps

I am going to probably trim down to about 190 pounds but probably not much lower.
