Shoe Size...

Just throwing out an idea at you guys.

Is there a correlation between shoe size of sprinters and fast times?
Anyone know any elite sprinters shoe sizes?
How about memebers shoe sizes on this forum.

Charlie what have been the athletes you coached shoe sizes? what about Ben in particular.

Im 5’7 and only a size 7.5 track spike and i wear 8-8.5 in sneakers i wear casually. 10.6 21.2 pr

damm man, I’m 5"9 and I wear 11.5 in sneakers and 11.5 in track spikes.

I’m 6"2 and use 11 for spikes.
I believe Charlie himself once said that Greene and Boldon use 10.5.

I think there was some discussion on the old forum about how this could be a positive thing, whcih makes me happy because I’m at 10.

I’m 5ft 5in, and I use a 10.5 spike…

My 100m PR is only 12.93s…

6’ and Size 8 shoes ?

Has anyone noticed a correlation between small feet/large torso and athletic attributes?

How about speed, ankle flexibility, injury, strength etc.

5’7 I use 9.5 spikes.

5-10…size 11 spike and 10.5-11 shoe, depending…11.87 PR

I’m about 5’7" and I wear size 7 foot and i have worn always size 6-6.5 spikes, but now I want to try 7, since I notice that whenever I do speed I tend to have symptoms of “in-grown toe nail” and its at times painful, whereas when i do tempo with size 7 I never have any problems.

I know an old Toronto Blue Jays player, Mookie Wilson, had the same problem and he had his big toe nails removed b/c of it always bothering him and affecting his game, and after that he said (in the paper) that he had abcolutely no problems.


What are the long term effects of having the big toe nail removed?

Physically, I don’t foresee any. Psychologically, is another story, since I really don’t know how it will look after removing it. And so, you may become more self contious around others on how you look. Thoughts?

Physically it is quite a deal to loose a nail short term.

I don’t want to get too graphic - but I have been losing my big toe nail regularly and it can get quite annoying, sore and ugly.

Psychologically? - I couldn’t give a damn

Short term I can definetly see that, but long term, as you mentioned, I just don’t see any problems.
No23 did u have an accident, that is causing you to lose your big toe?

foot size means nothing,its what is above the foot that counts.the average for elite sprinters is 10-11 but it was the same scenario that said that people under 6’0 couldn’t break 10.andrea cason and ato bolden crushed that saying

23 do you cut your nails wrong,this can sometimes lead to ingrowing nails.loosing a nail should have no effect on your performance unless you are having pain,if no pain then no complications

this is an odd conversation, i heard it helps for triple jumping, lol --but i KNOW it helps in swimming because you can have bigger flippers…lol i know thorpe has like 14 or 15’s or something crazy.

i have size 13 basketball/walking shoes at 6’2-3

Don’t forgot Ben, Mo or T-Mont! None over 6’ yet all 3 holders of the fastest times run by man.

Yea if I’m not mistaken monty is only like 5’7 5’8 and mo is 5’10

i remember reading a study on foot size and calf size in relation to sprinting.
The study concluded that it was better to have a smaller sized foot when sprinting as there was less area of the foot on the ground, and therefore less area to move off the ground. As we know, when sprinting, you want to get the foot off the ground as quickly as possible…
In relation to the calf, pretty much the same principle, it stated that if the calf is too big, it takes longer to move etc etc…

i know there are exceptions rah rah, but this was just a study done, i cant seem to find it anywhere, if i can find it i will post it. But just a thought i suppose…

extactly the type of response i was seeking. please let us know if you find that study.