Set/Rep Scheme for GPP weights?

No high pulls! You are correct, they teach horrible habits. I teach straight-arm pulls with an explosive shrug at the top (when the bar reaches “pecker height”.

glad to hear what kind of running u do with that lifting

Conjugated(?) program I have posted at (James Smith’s site)

Week #1
A. Total body (Clean 4x2 @70-80%)
B. Upper body Push (ME Bench press 4x1 @>90%)
C. Lower body Knee (SE Squat 5x5)
D1. Upper body Pull (RE Supported Rowing 3x8-12)
D2. Lower body Hip (RE Romanian DL 3x8-12)
E. Auxilary upper body work RE (shoulder circle, shrugs, push-up shrugs, grip work etc)

A. Total body (Jerk 4x2 @70-80%)
B. Lower body Knee (ME Dead Lift 4x1 @>90%)
C. Upper body Pull (SE Pull-up 5x5)
D1. Lower body Single leg (RE Bulgarian Squats 2x8-12 each)
D2. Upper body Push (RE Military Press 4x8-12)
E. Auxilary lower work RE (toe rises, plate pushes, DB dorsiflexion, side lunges walk, etc)

A. Total body (Hang Clean 4x2@70-80%)
B. Upper body Push (ME Narrow grip bench press 4x1@>90%)
C. Lower body Hip (SE Good mornings 5x5)
D1. Upper body Pull (RE One Arm rowing 4x8-12)
D2. Lower body Single leg (RE Lunges 2x8-12 seach)
E. Auxilary upper body work RE (shoulder circle, shrugs, push-up shrugs, grip work etc)

Week #2
A. Total body (Clean 4x2 @70-80%)
B. Lower body Knee (ME Squat 4x1 @>90%)
C. Upper body Push (SE Bench press 5x5 )
D1. Lower body Hip (RE Romanian DL 3x5)
D2. Upper body Pull (RE Supported Rowing 3x8-12)
E. Auxilary lower work RE (toe rises, plate pushes, DB dorsiflexion, side lunges walk, etc)

A. Total body (Jerk 4x2 @70-80%)
B. Upper body Pull (ME Pull-up 4x1-2 @>90%)
C. Lower body Knee (SE Dead Lift 5x5 w/stand up rest for 10secs b/ reps)
D1. Upper body Push (RE Military Press 4x8-12)
D2. Lower body Single leg (RE Bulgarian Squats 2x8-12 each)
E. Auxilary upper body work RE (shoulder circle, shrugs, push-up shrugs, grip work etc)

A. Total body (Hang Clean 4x2@70-80%)
B. Lower body Hip (ME Good mornings 4x1-3 @>90%)
C. Upper body Push (SE Narrow grip bench press 5x5)
D1. Lower body Single leg (RE Lunges 2x8-12 seach)
D2. Upper body Pull (RE One Arm rowing 4x8-12)
E. Auxilary lower work RE (toe rises, plate pushes, DB dorsiflexion, side lunges walk, etc)

When writing my programs I use “movement pattern” classification (Boyle, Tier, Cosgrove etc).
during this period (2-3cycles then unload and change exercises) DE (dynamic effort) or Olys is on “maintenance” due ME work…
I tryed to do all of ME, SE, RE on all movement patterns during 2week cycle.

During this time of the year we perform 2 days of agility drills & 2 days of speed work.

The agility work is an eight station circuit that focuses on change of direction & acceleration. Each drill takes between 4 & 6 seconds to complete with approx. 45s to 1:00 recovery between reps (simulates game situtation) with and additional 30-45 seconds recovery between drills.

The “speed work” is geared to football, so nothing is over 60m in length. We have done some uphill sprint work, acceleration work (stride 20-accelerate 40-ease down 20), 20 & 30 yard starts from various positions (I.E. on the ground). Early on we spent a majority of the time on simple running mechanics (a lot of big boys know how to eat, but are clueless on running. Unless of course, there is a sandwich lying at the other end of the sprint).

It is not an ideal situation, as I (we) are working with between 120 & 150 kids per session. However, I feel like we do a pretty good job coaching them up.

its sounds good: our summer is spilt up into 2 four week blocks the first 4 weeks we lift 4days and run 3days one day of hills, one day of intervals, and other day is either tempo 80’s or more interval runs. the last 4 week block we lifit three days and do some kind of movement 5 days, 2 days will be agility circuits and conditioning, one day will be hills, one day intervals,and the last day will be shuffle board or lateral movement in strength room.

our hill workouts are something like this:
shuffle 4x30yd
carioka 2x30
starts 6x30
backpedal or skips 4x30

Well, I just spent about 11 hours in front of a computer screen (couldn’t do that every day) cutting & editing training film clips (about 8 GB worth). I have another 7 GB or so to do today. Pretty good stuff!