
When is the best time to use it to enhance recovery? How long/how hot, etc?

i always use sauna after tempo and find it great.don’t forget to refuel up on liquids asap due to the consistant sweating.i usually do 2x10mins.cold shower before entering,again at 10mins and again after the can leave you slightly feeling drained but definitly works

One 90 minutes before bed (see old threads for cited references from the national academy of sleep medicine)

Also Do your aerobic tempo near noon and at 5pm if you live in perfect worlds with no work or responsibilities.

Does that world exist?

Yes, raise 24-50k USD and train full time living in a modest appartment and drive a a kia. Then spend all the money on therapy, organic food, supplements, and anything left tip your coach. I hope this happens in the fall.

That would be awesome. The only catch is the “raise 24-50k” part. Re the sauna, I think 90 minutes would kill me. I clearly need to work on my sauna-specific endurance.

I mean do it 90 minutes before bed time…not for 90 minutes.

He he … 90min of sauna would make you quite a bit lighter :slight_smile:

"Also Do your aerobic tempo near noon and at 5pm if you live in perfect worlds with no work or responsibilities."Clemson
Clemson You should do tempo twice a day?I’m home for summer vaction and have alot of free time would it be beneficial for me to split up tempo twice a day.

Good question…Charlie could perhaps enlighten us on dividing the work up between two sessions.

The day afer powerdays for approximently 20minutes in cycles (contrast) or at one go.