russian hamstring

just wondering what you guys think of russian hamstring…i have been using it f about a year trying to get unilateral hip extension…it is working well but i wanted to now what you guys think of the exercise.

Can you post a description of the exercise?


yeah the russian hamstring involves hanging from a chin up bar in the supine position while keeping your arms straight…put your ankle of calf on someone’s shoulder that is facing you…your hips should be in a flexed position…with the leg that is on the shoulder you extend your hip violently upwards let the opposite leg carry through because of the momentum…finishing fully extended if not hyperextended…i have found this great for my jumpers and vaulters as it teaches the hip to really extend on the takeoff…hope this helps


I 2nd that whoa.

sorry guys, it is hard to discribe…all i know is it works…you really have to see it to understand it

yeah the russian hamstring involves hanging from a chin up bar in the supine position while keeping your arms straight…put your ankle of calf on someone’s shoulder that is facing you…your hips should be in a flexed position…with the leg that is on the shoulder you extend your hip violently upwards let the opposite leg carry through because of the momentum…finishing fully extended if not hyperextended…i have found this great for my jumpers and vaulters as it teaches the hip to really extend on the takeoff…hope this helps

You can also do this exercise on the floor. Put your ankle on a bench, rest your backside on the floor, and keep you hands directly under your shoulders ( your body should be in a V position). Thrust your hips upward, so as you are fully extended. Hope that makes sense.


Certainly sounds safer … better option as well if you don’t suffer from vertigo!!!