Running half of the speed runs during a max strength phase with 7% resistance

I’m going to be entering another “max strength phase”. A previous phase has looked like this:

T-~250m speed, either acceleration, top speed work, or short speed followed by weights (squats, push press, and pullups)
W-Heavy circuit lifting
Sa-~300m speed, usually short speed runs
Su-Weights (deadlift, bench press, and pullups or lat pulldowns)

This worked pretty well. With winter track starting I’ll be making some changes. It may end up looking like:
M-~250m speed on cinder (which on our track I figured out last year gives about 7% resistance versus all weather) followed by weights (squats, push press, and pullups)
T-Heavy circuit lifting
W-Tempo or circuits
Th-Special endurance on cinder (so again 7% resistance)
F-Tempo or circuits
Sa-Speed on the track followed by weights

Since I’m just using the special endurance as a general component (i.e. improved work capacity, lactic acid buffering, posture, technique, etc. but not specific endurance) I’m not too worried about that being resisted. What about the one speed session on the track though? Also, should I try to make those sessions mostly accelerations (I’m training for 55 for winter and I think about 35-40m of my 55 is acceleration)?

What does the heavy lifting circuit involve? Being a ‘heavy’ session this suggests that it would be a CNS session two days in a row which would negativly affect your lifting; surely this is not a good look in a max. strength phase (or any other phase).

I would agree that you would be better to do accl’s on the resistance day. You certainly wouldn’t want to do your max v resisted. It just wouldn’t be max.

My suggestion for budgeting your CNS would be to try grouping accl’s followed by special endurance together on the moday, You would have to adjust volumes to suit, and move the lifting circuit to Thurs someting like this.

M- Accl’s, SpE (Resisted?) Followed by weights
T- Tempo/Circuits
W- Off
T- Heavy Circuit Lifting
F- Tempo/Circuits
S- Max V, Follwed by weights
S- Off

Thank you for the reply.

I’m going to be doing practices with the team so the schedule is largely affected by that so special end and accels will be different days. The heavy circuit lifting is in the 6-10 range with very little rest and usually around 50-70% of 1RM so it is not a large CNS tax. It is more for general fitness/hypertrophy than strength. The two sessions following speed sessions are the “max strength” sessions. I should have been more clear.

Glad you agree that accels should probably be all that’s done on the cinder. I will try to do that.

Anybody else on the effect of doing the accels on cinder on training effect?

Anyone, please?

Yes, don’t worry about cinder (though a percentage of your sprints in the training cycle - atleast in the pre and comp phases should be on the track.) You know what phase you’re in.
Bob Hayes ran 10.0 on a torn chewed up cinder track.

As bad as that cinder may have been I’ll tell you know one could run 10.0 on our cinder! I’m not going to worry about it though as long as I get one speed session a week on track, thanks for the reply.