resistance runs! weird situation!

hey guys, during this week ive noticed something rather not reasonable go on with my training. i start off my workout with 5x20m, wokring mainly on acceleration, then i do some flying runs and finish off with 5x20m using 2kg weighted vest

my times running normally the 20s and the weighted vest are almost the same!!

i ran 2.89 for my first 20m normally and 2.89 for my first 20m of the resistance runs, and it was no coinsidence it happened in the previous workouts, only that today my times with the jacket were ALL almost faster.
(u can see in my journal)

i am entirely clueless to what is really going on and im open to suggestions
any thoughts appreciated

It could be because you are warmed up for the second set of accel runs. What does your warm up look like and how do you feel when you start the first set of accel runs and when you do your weighted accel runs?

Perhaps your turnover is normally too quick and you’re not getting full power?

The weighted vest increases your ground contact times and forcing you to run with more strength.

i thought of my warmup but then i thought, no its okay, here’s wat i do
10min jog(sometimes less, its egypt and its pretty damn hot!)
form drills x2x30m
4x10m practise starts
2x20m relaxed runs
1x30m relaxed run
sometimes if i still dont feel THAT warmed up id do some strides and some ins and outs, but then the weather and warmup i think im prety much ready to execute any form of training

when i get to the weighted runs im usually tired from the flying runs that i perform at full pace, but then i still feel like i can perform, wats strange is that during that session my hamstring was dead from olympic lifts from previous day, but was still able to go fast…

guys i would still really appreciate some more feedback on this cause im still running the exact same times for the 20m its crazy…

wats interesting now is that today i did 5x30m with the vest using exact same weights and i was running arounds 3.9s which is far from my pb 3.58

so would that mean that im only affected by distances more that 20m!?!?!

[QUOTE=komy]hey guys, during this week ive noticed something rather not reasonable go on with my training. i start off my workout with 5x20m, wokring mainly on acceleration, then i do some flying runs and finish off with 5x20m using 2kg weighted vest

Are you sure you didn’t mean 20kg instead of 2kg west.If 2kg is the case then that’s not that much extra weight.

no i actually did mean 2kgs, but i thought it would atleast the number in a way, cause like im not finding it logical to be running the same time with and without 2kgs on me…

Hey Komy, this happened to me just like u described, i mean, when i run carring a 3kg weight vest my times are the same and sometimes better yet than no weights.
I have 2 theories about;
1st: in my case…i believe that we´re very stronger but not so fast or explosive, so, i can run 100m up hill almost same time i run 100m horizontal, and when i say up hill i´m talking about a 10º ramp; so, when i run wearing a weighted vest i have the sufficient power to carry this extra weight over the distance.
2nd: I´m not running relaxed yet, i´ll start a relaxed run train this week ( today !!! :smiley: :smiley: ), so, as we´re running tense, the brain is all the time sending messages to your muscles, and when you wear the WVest your brain tells that you´re “overweighted”, so, the body pushs more than usual and you beat these extra weight.

So, i have to work in 2 things by now:
1st: Learn to run relaxed, this is my priority, i stoped all my ACC and Max V trains until i learn how to run relaxed.
2nd: Be more explosive, i´m not sure, but i guess this is a psychological issue, at least for me, and i guess this will be in right place after the “relaxation school”.
As ALN said in another thread, and until i understand; we sprinters, used to learn from the end, i mean, at the beginning we´re trying to be fast, explosive, quick, all together, but then, we learn that, as in life school, we have to learn each thing at right time, don´t pushing or trying so hard.
Have you ever thought why most of the coachs always said:
You have to be very patient to be a sprinter, it takes lot of time and require much more patient from both ( sprinter and coach ).

ya, i had a situation like this with some step-ups i did with only 5 lbs. i did almost as much reps with no weight at all. if i would have had 10lbs it would have made a difference probably


Maybe extra weight affects accel less than top speed. Perhaps it adjusts mechanics when running upright rather than when leaning forward, reducing stepping over etc.

Just a thought!