Remodeled periodization plan.

A little background:
I’ll be 17 in a month. My 100 PB for last year was 11.6h. I think I neglected speed endurance and had a pretty low general fitness period. I’m trying not to make the same mistake. After my recovery block and a few weeks of learning about GPP while sort of trying to do it I had around 40 weeks until my next season starts since I won’t be participating in winter because the coaching is really bad. I will try to get in a few winter competitions through negotiation, but I’m going to completely train through it and not even necessarily set up my schedule so that I’ll be good over 55m (winter distance) at that time.

After I finish this week it will be my sixth week in anything close to how I now view as GPP. My workout today, Wednesday, August 13, 2003 in conjunction with other workouts show me that I have reached my desired level of cardiovascular fitness. I can now do workouts up to 600m and down through 100m with short rest times right at the 75th percentile and use them as recovery. From this point on I will stop timing my tempo runs and focus on other GPP work such as circuits, bodyweight strength endurance exercises, special endurance, and lifting accumulation style 2 days a week for 3 weeks. I expect all this will last about 4 weeks, but maybe longer.
This means that the next phase after my GPP will start the week of September 14.

So so far its:
10 weeks of GPP

This will leave me with about 30 weeks until the beginning of April, I think comp will start a week or two into April. For the sake of the unexpected I’ll plan for 28 weeks. During the GPP I’ve been doing some acceleration work up to 30m almost always on grass but not that much of it, on average I’d say 1.5 times a week. Despite the small amount of time devoted the times are progressing very nicely but obviously there are a lot of factors playing into this besides just the speed work. So with this in mind, from GPP with the last 3 weeks being in the accumulation weight phase I’ll go to:

Phase 1

3 weeks max strength
1 week unloading
3 weeks max strength
1 week unloading
3 weeks of lots of speed work
1 week unloading

During the first 3 weeks of max strength I’ll probably keep the speed work to 30m or under from various starting positions with the volume around 200m so I have a ton left for the weightroom. Unloading week will be lowered volume. For the next 3 max strength weeks I’ll do up to 45m accels if I’m starting from prone or 40m accels if I’m starting from standing with the volume going up to 200m. The unloading will be the same and then during the 3 speed work weeks I’ll try to ramp up the volume without letting the quality deteriorate. During this whole period I’ll probably do acceleration 2 times a week and special endurance 1 (around 300) once a week. During the last four weeks I’ll do maintenance weights based on the Pioneer formulas.

Phase 2

3 weeks max strength
1 week unloading
3 weeks max strength
1 week unloading

During this phase I’ll probably work on max velocity work twice a week. Mostly flying in for 20 meters at first for technical work and then I’ll try to lengthen it out. The two workouts a week with this will probably be a mixture of acceleration and the MaxV work. The other workout will be special endurance again.

Phase 3

3 weeks of lots of speed work
1 week unloading
3 weeks max strength
1 week unloading
2 weeks speed work

Same idea, but with speed endurance replacing SEI (concentrating on 100m but also some 200m) on the other day. I’ll keep the volume fairly low for the last 2 weeks. The first four and last 2 weeks will be again using maintenance weights.

I thought this was going to be short, it actually turned out pretty long, sorry. I’ll keep the tempo at around 1500-low2000s the entire time.
I’m going to have to be very flexible with the plan, but how does this look as a general guideline? As someone mainly focusing on 100m should I do the special endurance for the first two phases as proposed?

Anyone with comments?

Alright, last try: bump

I am not a 100m guy, but it looks like you spent a lot of time on this, so i will attempt a critique in hopes that others will give better advice.

The plan in general looks pretty good. The only thing that i would be sure is to make sure recovery strategies are in place. It looks like you are using this plan as a guideline, which is good. Most of my injuries with sprinting have occurred when i followed the plan like it was law instead of how i felt (and also having a distance runner’s paranoia of not running enough volume).

Anyone else who coaches/runs 100s have any Comments?


I think your plan looks pretty solid. QtD is right, make sure to use it as a guideline, not gospel and feel free to adjust based on real-world situations. Also make sure that your transitions between elements is blended, not abrupt.

I would probably like to see you run a few indoor competitions in the winter, just to stay sharp and your GPP seems a bit long to me, but overall I believe that if you follow such a plan, you will see great improvements over the next year.

Stay healty and remember less is more and you should be fine.

Thanks a lot for the replies quark (sorry for not saying thank you sooner) and xlr8. I’m going to really try to keep the transitioning in mind, that’s a very good point. I would love to get the indoor comps in, but if it means doing 16*200 with a jog back recovery on the street “as fast as you can” to prepare for the 55 it won’t happen.

Wow 16*200 with “fast jog back” recovery? Sounds like some distance workouts that i did when i was more of a distance runner. You have to be kidding, but i am afraid that you aren’t joking…

Are there any indoor comp’s where you can run unaligned? The other option is to find some Masters sprinters and do time-trials with them. They may not be the competition you are looking for, but it is better than nothing.

I’ll try to get into some of the meets unattached, but I think you might have to be with a high school. Masters is an idea, but just right in the middle of suburbia where I am the masters are few and far between geographically. I think I will try to do some sprints against my dad with him about 5m ahead, but its very different from being in a race.