Rehabbing Turf Toe

I have a medium-intensity (not bad) case of turf toe on the joint of my right great toe. It came from lunges in the winter to prepare for baseball season coupled with the pivot in swinging/throwing. I can sprint full-speed and play fine, but it affects my walking and the way my muscles move in my leg due to favoring it. Went to Urgent Care and they told me to stay off of it for a week and take ibuprofen. Did that and it came back. Need help.

Thanks, good to be back.


My track career ended cause of turf toe. What happend with me was I did not get proper therapy, and did not take proper rest right away and the toe joint became irreparably hypermobile. It still gives me grief with longer walks and any sort of sprint training. Ice Ice Ice Ice, and rest rest rest until you are good to go. You can do water workouts in the meantime to keep general fitness and flexibility up.

Being in-season and heading into a week at Myrtle Beach and games, I just can’t do that (They need me). I can ice, I can wrap it, I can take ibo’s. I know a way to tape the toe (wrap the toe, wrap midfoot, connect two in the process with an X preventing hyperextension). I did this for 3-4 days before and then stopped. Should I do this for a three week period or how should I follow this?


Go get some rehab and ask a specialist. I can’t really say. I always tell my athletes that unless it is the Olympics, they aren’t taping anything. If the taping works (which some say it only takes 10 minutes before any tape job is no longer any good), then giv’r. Do what you can and weigh the cost. I thought that because it was only a toe, that I could continue competing. The injury plagued me for 3 years and caused lower back, hip and hamstring problems. I am not sure of the severity of your injury. For me, I could sprint at top end without pain or doing further damage (until the hip problems came along), but any sort of low COG starts wreaked havoc on my toe.

It’s exactly like your case. I’ll go to a specialist ASAP.


I agree with Herb, in the meantime, after seeing the specialist and if they clear you for it, go to the pool and do some water workouts.